Thursday, June 24, 2021


Typically when I am corrected by a Sifu, I will take the information, make the correction (to the best of my ability) and move on.  Sometimes it's obvious why the correction is necessary.  Sometimes it's not.  But I've always had complete faith that these corrections are necessary, and that if it doesn't make sense at that moment, it will later on.  Primarily I've wanted to ensure I've got the steps right and that I'm doing the techniques properly.

Recently, my mind has wanted to venture a little bit further.  Instead of just making the correction and moving on, I find myself wondering "why".  I will often repeat the technique over and over, first the way I was doing it...then the corrected way.  Typically when I compare them, "my" way and the "right" way only seem to be a hair different.  But there must be a reason why I'm being corrected.  There must be a reason why these ever so slight details are important.
Why is the "right" way the right way?
Why does "my" way not not quite get me the result I want?

This has changed the game a bit for me.  I feel like I've hit a point where I'm starting (just starting) to see details in the details.  Simply correcting isn't enough anymore.  I also need to understand why.  Understanding "why" not only helps me reinforce the correction...because when I understand why I'm doing something, it's much easier to do it naturally and with consistency.  But I think the "whys" are also going to be integral with being able to make conscious choices in the being able to support my intent in order to achieve a desired being able to change my intent a hundred times as a situation unfolds.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to start asking "why".  Blind acceptance is so much easier and hurts my brain much less.  But it's hard to hold back thoughts and this is where they seem to be going.

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