Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A Different Perspective

I had a day, not long ago, where all kinds of things went wrong.  We all have these on occasion.  And I don't know about you...but usually, by the end of one of these, my attitude is pretty poor.  It's hard not to focus (and wallow) in all the things that went wrong...and essentially feel a little sorry for myself.

Oddly enough, on this particular day, at the end of it all, I found myself celebrating the fantastic day I had.

For everything that went wrong, something else went right.

At noon, I ended up with a flat tire.  Coincidentally, I had just ordered new tires the day before.  I called the shop, hoping that I could drop my car off there and just leave it until the tires arrived.  Well, they did one better....my tires had already arrived!  AND they told me they'd be able to squeeze me in before closing that day!  Bam....crisis averted.

I got a reminder alert about Emma's dentist appointment.  Turns out I had the time written down wrong and it was an hour earlier than anticipated.  Car-less now, this was going to be an even bigger problem.  My boss then happened to show up unexpectedly and lent me her car!  However, I still needed to get Emma early from school...not as easy as you'd think since you can't just walk in with COVID restrictions.  I was able to reach the office, her teacher and the after school care program all within about the 10 minute window I had to make it all work.  Bam, Bam...crisis averted.

With the juggling of my car and Emma, it was up in the air whether I'd be home to get Nathan set up for Kung Fu.  Dan isn't the most technologically inclined (don't tell him I said that), and it was going to be a nightmare to try and help him navigate over the phone.  Low and behold, the tire shop called and they happened to get my tires done early.  I got home at 4:55, just in time to get Nathan set up for class.  Bam, Bam, Bam...crisis averted.

There were several other little things throughout the day as well....but they all seemed to work themselves out.  Or at least I was able to work around them without too much issue.  Each time I managed to work something out...I felt better and better...more and more invincible...as if I could handle anything the day would throw at me.  I even found myself enjoying the challenge of it all!

Thinking back, I can't help but wonder if previous "bad days" were actually all that bad or if I was just focusing on the bad.  Did I have a tendency of making mountains out of mole hills?  Am I learning to determine better what is actually a crisis and what is just a simple inconvenience?  Am I becoming more grateful for the good rather than overwhelmed by the bad?

Was this particular "bad" day any different than the others?  Or is it my perspective that 's different?

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