Thursday, May 27, 2021


One of the biggest things that helps my engagement is inviting others to engage with me.

Ultimately, yes, I need to make those first steps on my own.  I need to "steer my own ship".  I need to show up to class....I need to work on my Kung Fu at home...I need to fulfill my obligations.  These things establish a good solid base and they aren't anything that someone else can do for me.  But engaging is what really seems to boost my success.  Engaging takes things to the next level.  And engagement needs to happen with others.  I can't be engaged if I don't speak up...if I don't ask questions...if I don't share.  

I think one of the reasons my year is going as well as it is, is because I'm sharing it.  I'm making connections.  I'm inviting people on my journey.  I'm accepting peoples offers and contributions.  This last one is really important.  In the past I would often turn down peoples' offers, not wanting to burden anyone and thinking that it would only really be a success if I did it totally on my own.  Turns out that's not the case.  I'm finding success is even sweeter when it includes others.

I don't think I'd be as near as successful if I was trying to do this all by hiding away on my own.  And it most certainly wouldn't be as fun.

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