Monday, May 24, 2021

So Much More

When setting my personal goal to start a houseplant from seed and keep it alive for at least the full year, my initial reason was just because of my many failures with indoor plants.  I simply wanted to prove I could do it.

My original seeds did not survive, but I'm happy to say that the lemon seeds, that Sifu Rybak suggested I try, have so far been successful.  I planted 8 seeds, from a lemon I grabbed at the grocery store, and 3 germinated and are doing very well.  I have since potted them and they survived that too.  Phew.  Not only do I have these 3 lemon trees going, but I also have some propagations and a baby spider plant (courtesy of Sifu Rybak as well...I've dragged her along on this ride apparently...haha) that seem to be doing just fine in my care.

What's been somewhat unexpected with this is how far this is actually going.  I'm learning much more than I anticipated I would.  I'm enjoying the process.  I'm learning to listen and pay attention with more than just my ears.  I'm learning to recognize when "letting things be" is of greater benefit.  I'm learning patience.  I'm learning to enjoy all the small wonders of life around us that we tend to miss.  I'm learning how even the smallest of these lives can have a huge impact.

I'm seeing how, by putting in the effort and truly being engaged, a simple goal can turn into so much more.

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