Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Moment To Moment

We talk about intent on a fairly regular basis.  As a new martial artist, adjusting my intent is a conscious effort and can be difficult.  I will often find myself adjusting my intent too slowly, resulting in hesitation...or too soon, resulting in incomplete techniques.  Either (or both) can result in my forms being very choppy or flawed as I consciously and specifically change my intent from moment to moment.

Recently, I have begun to find areas in my forms that are becoming more organic...more pure, than others.  Where my intent seems to be adjusting itself naturally and freely, thus managing to stay pure in that moment and on to the next.  Moments where my intent is guiding rather than pushing.  And in these moments, I'm starting to feel and recognize the difference between actively having to focus on and think about my intent versus when it seems to change and adjust on it's own without effort.

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