Friday, July 29, 2022

I AM an Example

It's easy to give someone else advice.  It's easy to tell someone what they should be doing, how they should be doing it, when they should be doing it...and so on.

It's much harder to follow that same advice.  In fact, my words have no credit at all, if I say one thing and do another.

As a mother, a teacher, a human's important to remember that everything I do has the potential to be an example for others, both good and bad.  I will, of course, make mistakes.  But the sooner I am able to recognize those, the sooner those mistakes can be used as examples of what not to do.  I suppose rather than setting good examples and bad examples, I'd rather set good examples of what to do and good examples of what not to do.  😉

Either way,  it's what I do that others will learn's what I do that will have the most impact. 

"A good example has twice the value of good advice." - Albert Schweitzer

I AM an Example

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