Sunday, July 31, 2022
Oh I Get It...Previously Known As "I AM Humble"
Saturday, July 30, 2022
I AM an Artist
I have always been an artist. I have always been able to create. But I have also struggled. I have been the type of artist that maintains control over my creations. My vision and my end result need to match. If they don't, the creation is a failure and discarded before it has had a chance to live and breathe.
The most successful artists not only create, but also have the ability to allow a creation to manifest on it's own. They will mould, but not force. They do not push, but will gently guide, allowing the creation to establish it's own direction and become what it is meant to be. They are a conduit for the creation to unfold and find it's full potential.
Through Kung Fu, I am changing as an artist. I am slowly developing my eye for detail. I am also developing my relationship with Chi. I am learning how my body moves. I am learning how my energy moves. I am learning the importance of relinquishing control and allowing these things to merge and come together on their own, without force. That is the 6 harmonies and that is where the art and the beauty is found.
Becoming a martial artist has opened my eyes to how much potential I truly have at being an artist.
I AM an Artist
Friday, July 29, 2022
I AM an Example
It's much harder to follow that same advice. In fact, my words have no credit at all, if I say one thing and do another.
As a mother, a teacher, a human's important to remember that everything I do has the potential to be an example for others, both good and bad. I will, of course, make mistakes. But the sooner I am able to recognize those, the sooner those mistakes can be used as examples of what not to do. I suppose rather than setting good examples and bad examples, I'd rather set good examples of what to do and good examples of what not to do. 😉
Either way, it's what I do that others will learn's what I do that will have the most impact.
"A good example has twice the value of good advice." - Albert Schweitzer
I AM an Example
Thursday, July 28, 2022
I AM a Leader
Being a leader has nothing to do with title or rank, status or power. It's about walking forward boldly, creating a path, but allowing those following to pass when they are ready. It's about setting examples and encouraging others to do the same. It's about sharing knowledge and ideas and then sitting back to see how far someone else might go with it. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the best leaders are constantly stepping up, and then back again, often without even being noticed.
As a leader, my ultimate goal isn't getting to the front of the pack, it's getting to the back.
I AM a Leader.
Thursday, July 21, 2022
A Spotlight
I've always done my best to just ignore these thoughts. I felt that ignoring them was the right way to address them. Yet those are two totally different things. And so when many of these old thoughts flooded my mind after last nights class, I found myself wondering if by pushing these thoughts down, and trying to brush them under a rug, I was inadvertently giving them a place to grow, which only enabled them to come back easier and stronger at the first sign of adversity. And so I decided to try something. I decided to put them all down in writing and stare at them head on. By putting a spotlight directly on them, I hope to make the recurrences both less frequent and hopefully weaker. So here we go.
I'm too old to be doing this.
I'm too weak and slow compared to my classmates.
It's not that complicated. I must be a complete moron for not being able to do [this].
I will never be quick enough in mind or in body to spar or grapple or even defend myself.
I look like an idiot when I try to do [this].
I don't belong here amongst these other, much better, martial artists.
I'm not nearly in good enough shape to think I could be good at this.
I don't belong in the front row.
I don't deserve this belt (or stripe).
Why haven't I earned [this] stripe, when everyone else has? I'm obviously not as good as I wish I was.
I'm a fraud for posing as a leader when I'm so brutal at most of this.
If I can't do [this], then why bother with any of it.
I am the absolute worst at [this].
I've been doing this for [this long] and still suck at [this].
Everyone else is so much better.
What makes me think I can teach anyone else when I can't even do some of this stuff myself.
I'm never going to get any better.
Much of my "skill" is both laughable and embarrassing.
I'm so far behind that I may as well just give up.
Why is everyone else progressing and I am not?
Why does this seem to come so naturally to others but not to me?
What is the point of working so hard for such small steps of progress?
Now I've paraphrased most of these thoughts in the interest of simplicity. But I think you more or less get the gist of the many negative thoughts I will find in my mind at times. Some of these thoughts are mere flashes that barely register. Some might gain traction and last for days or more. Some are ego-based. Some might make me look not so great. But they are all thoughts that have been in my mind at some point. And I'm sure they will come again at some point in the future. As I said, my hope is that this exercise will prove to make them less frequent and less substantial. But that will remain to be seen for now.
What WAS interesting with this exercise, and what was apparent very quickly, was that when I put them down in writing and actually looked at them and acknowledged them, I realized I had a response, or refutation, for every single one. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Not only that, but once I pulled them out of the shadows in the darkest corners of my mind, they became less scary, and more absurd. And suddenly, they already had less power.
What's important is not that I try to never have these thoughts. That would be impossible. What's important is that I don't just let them sit there unchecked with the potential to do real harm. That I, instead, acknowledge them, respond to them and recognize them for what they are. And what they are is lies.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
Wallowing In Misery
As I entered class, my back and my neck were on my mind. After my chiropractor appointment, they are feeling better, but not totally healed. And I considered not participating. But once I stood in that front row, I wasn’t able to step away. I’m supposed to be a leader. An example. And so I stayed. Unfortunately, I was neither a leader nor an example. And I didn’t belong in the front row.
At the start, as long as my technique was good, things were okay. That’s something I’ve learned in Tai Chi. If you have an injury, it will be more aggravated if you’re performing the technique wrong. An injury can be a valuable tool in pinpointing bad technique. And that seemed to be the case here as well. So as long as I moved just a smidge slower…as long as I was doing things properly…I felt okay.
A healthy body is forgiving. A healthy body doesn’t notice if you’re just a little bit off. A healthy body can handle a margin of error. An unhealthy body cannot. And eventually there was a moment during our kicks that I felt a twinge in my back. Nothing crazy, but it was there. And from that moment on, that was my focus. That was my intent.
“Don’t hurt yourself”
With every kick it got worse. I was uncommitted. I was pulling the technique. I was moving with fear. And realistically that’s what made things fall apart. I was in my own head. There was a moment I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to scream in anger or cry in frustration. Half of me was trying to get myself to do it, the other was saying no. Neither won. I lost.
I may have been better off staying home. Which is what I said to Dan when I got home.
He responded with “Aw that’s too bad. I guess you’ll just need to try again next class.”
To which I said “I am not in the mood for rational comments right now.”
To which he replied “That is also too bad.”
I mean really, is it too much to ask to be able to just wallow in misery and feel sorry for myself for a while?? In this house, apparently yes, it is too much to ask.
Does this mean I’m feeling a-ok about everything now? No, not really. The memory of failure is too fresh. But rational thinking is slowly making its way in. And I’m looking forward to trying again.
Sunday, July 17, 2022
My Ego Is A Jerk
Thursday, July 14, 2022
102 Floors Up
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Moment To Moment
IHC Number Update - July 13, 2022
My July IHC Update - Approximately 46% into the Year of the Tiger
Year of the Tiger - Feb 1, 2022 to Jan 20, 2023 (353 days)
✅ = achieving/exceeding my numbers or generally on track where numbers don't really apply.
❌ = behind on my numbers or things aren't going well, where numbers don't apply.
➖ = unsure of progress, the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet, it may take the full year to properly evaluate, or it's something I would need my instructors to determine my success/failure. I've decided to still list these things here just as a reminder that they are still requirements.
Base Requirements
✅ Hand Form - Dou Ti 452/1000
✅ Weapon Form - Stick 1 and 2 454/1000
✅ Push-ups 22781/50,000
✅ Sit-ups 22687/50,000
❌ Sparring 423/1000 *I'm slowly falling further and further behind on this. I need to get it together.
✅ Kilometers 891/1609
✅ Acts of Kindness 474/1000
✅ Blogging/Online Presence
✅ Unexcused Absences
❌ Mastery by Stewart Emery
✅ Mend a Relationship - I've been trying to keep in touch with everyone on a consistent basis. I struggle a bit with my one sister as we are very different people.
➖ Lion Dancing - Instructors call
❌ Tiger Challenge
✅ Public Performances - Two under my belt now. 😁
➖ Core Curriculum - Instructors call
✅ SRKF Projects and Initiatives
Personal Requirements
➖ Learn how to reclaim my pottery clay
⭐ Establish a 15 minute/2km run time - SUCCESS! My current best is now 12:11.
⭐ Box Jumps
✅ Monthly date with Dan
❌ Lion Dance Drumming
➖ Weekend Kung Fu Training with Kids - still need to put some more effort into this. We are home for the next few weekends so that will help!
✅ Chi Development
➖ 3 x 1 Month "Clean Eating Challenge" - 2 months down. I'll be blogging soon about Junes sugar goal.
✅ Record Numbers of all known forms. There is no specific number I'm trying to reach. My personal requirement is simply to record them.
- Awakening the Dragon = 20
- Broadsword 1-2 = 8
- Da Mu Hsing 1-5 = 40
- Hsieh Chien = 29
- Lao Gar 1-3 = 42
- Long 1 = 16
- Hung 1-2 = 41
❌ I AM Project 11/30 - I should be at about 14 at this point