Friday, June 25, 2021

Fitting It All In

I asked, in a one-on-one a few weeks ago, how you fit everything in...and the answer was "you don't".

And I get that.  It makes sense.  Although I hoped there would be some special secret, it was the answer I expected.  As a martial artist there are so many things we'd like to work on because we are dedicated to mastery and improvement.  But the simple fact is that we can't be working on everything at once.

So my next question gets a little more specific.  

How do I keep up with my minimum requirements of the IHC AND still move forward with the extraneous things I also want to work on?

The benefits of the IHC requirements are obvious.  As an example, the pushups and situps (or modifications of these) have become like making the bed in the morning.  Not only are they making me stronger, little by little, but they start my day with an accomplishment.  They set my day up for success.  So first and foremost, my focus starts with the IHC requirements.  They are the basis upon which I can build everything else.  

Having said that, it seems that by the time I complete my daily requirements, I don't have much time left over for some of the other things I'd really like to fit in.  Long I has been on a livestream video since February 19.  And although this is one that I really want to learn, and that I think would be really helpful with my breathing, I haven't even started.  Broadsword 3 has also been on video since March 26.  Again, haven't touched it.  There are various kicks and combos that rarely get practiced.  And my stick is starting to get cobwebs..and that makes me sad because my stick makes me so happy.

And when these things I've neglected come up in class...I feel guilty because I haven't spent any time on them.

So how do I make it all work?  I don't have a complete answer to this dilemma yet.  But I have come up with a few things.

One thing I've started doing is what I call "double dipping".  For instance, this past month I wanted to really concentrate on the Side Heel as an additional personal goal.  So on some days, I found myself incorporating this into sparring so that I could also count that time towards my sparring numbers.  Sparring has been a great way to "double dip" and get those kicks and combos in that have been demo'd in the livestreams.

I've also started implementing shorter "snip-its" of my forms throughout the day that I can apply towards my IHC requirements.  I previously viewed this requirement as having to be done in full, in order to count as a rep, but I've since altered my stance on this.  It's tough to complete a full Da Mu Hsing 1-5 (my hand form focus this year) at work.  For one, the space limitation is an issue.  Second, even just one full-on Da Mu Hsing leaves me somewhat sweaty.  But I can manage doing 1 section here and there, and I have started counting these as .2 towards my numbers.  Doesn't seem like much, but by breaking the pieces down, I can often end up doing 2 full sets throughout the work day.  These little segments tend to add up, and it leaves my morning training a bit more open for some of the "extras".

At the start of the IHC year, I had been using my One-on-One's to finish learning Da Mu Hsing, since it was my hand form for the year and I didn't quite know it in full at that time.  This seemed to work really well.  Although the videos were also available, the one-on-one's were great because I could also clarify the movements right away.  Since then I've mostly been asking questions that accumulate throughout the week.  As I've been progressing, I'm finding that if I give myself a bit of time, I can often answer many of my questions myself.  On top of that, the live classes now offer that opportunity for more questions as well (sometimes it was tough to ask questions online just because of the time factor with muting/un-muting/etc).  So I think, moving forward, I may utilize my one-on-one's again to learn and work on these new forms that I haven't been able to get to.

Another opportunity is while I wait outside the Kwoon during the kids' classes.  This could be a biggie.  I wish I wasn't self conscious about training in public and I wish I could just get out there on the grass and start swinging my stick.  But I'm just not there yet on a confidence level.  This is something I need to work on because it really is a perfect opportunity.  This would be another 2 hours of training every week!  I need to figure out a way to use this time more productively.

So although there is no way I will ever fit everything in, if I can get a little creative, I can at least try and keep those things that really feed my spirit and keep that motivation alive.

Thursday, June 24, 2021


Typically when I am corrected by a Sifu, I will take the information, make the correction (to the best of my ability) and move on.  Sometimes it's obvious why the correction is necessary.  Sometimes it's not.  But I've always had complete faith that these corrections are necessary, and that if it doesn't make sense at that moment, it will later on.  Primarily I've wanted to ensure I've got the steps right and that I'm doing the techniques properly.

Recently, my mind has wanted to venture a little bit further.  Instead of just making the correction and moving on, I find myself wondering "why".  I will often repeat the technique over and over, first the way I was doing it...then the corrected way.  Typically when I compare them, "my" way and the "right" way only seem to be a hair different.  But there must be a reason why I'm being corrected.  There must be a reason why these ever so slight details are important.
Why is the "right" way the right way?
Why does "my" way not not quite get me the result I want?

This has changed the game a bit for me.  I feel like I've hit a point where I'm starting (just starting) to see details in the details.  Simply correcting isn't enough anymore.  I also need to understand why.  Understanding "why" not only helps me reinforce the correction...because when I understand why I'm doing something, it's much easier to do it naturally and with consistency.  But I think the "whys" are also going to be integral with being able to make conscious choices in the being able to support my intent in order to achieve a desired being able to change my intent a hundred times as a situation unfolds.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to start asking "why".  Blind acceptance is so much easier and hurts my brain much less.  But it's hard to hold back thoughts and this is where they seem to be going.

Monday, June 21, 2021

That's Not A Knife....This Is A Knife...

As part of my training with the knife, Master Wieczerza has instructed that I learn the Talon form with both a fixed blade and a folding blade.  A few weeks ago I received the folding blades that she recommended I get.  They are exactly the same except one is a trainer, which I will use while training so I don't inadvertently maim myself.  The other is very real, very sharp and somewhat intimidating.  But I'll tell you more about that one in another blog.

I'm having 2 challenges with the folding knfe.

Firstly, it's much smaller than the wooden blade I've been using for the past (almost) 5 months.  It's also much lighter.  It doesn't feel the same in my hand, nor can I hold it the same way.  I also can't release it the same way in the portions where I need to change my grip.  These transitions have become very slow and methodical once again.  Yet in the sections that require a single continuous grip, the blade just seems to fly.  It's so much lighter it's as if I don't even have anything in my hand.  It can seem almost invisible at times, except for the flash of the blade.

The other challenge is with the folding feature itself.  When using a folding blade, the form has portions that require me to open and close the blade, as well as open and close it one-handed.  These parts are intended to be quick and seamless.  Currently they are not.  And if not for the trainer, I'd have already lost some fingers.

I'll get there, I know.  Repetition and practice.  And when I do get there, more repetition and practice.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

2 Minute Blogging Challenge Day 7 - My Favourite Thing

If I had to choose just one thing I would have to say stick.  It has become something I really enjoy doing. Not just the form.  But all of the manipulation techniques as well.  There something about it that just makes me feel in control.  Powerful maybe?  Not sure if that’s the word.  Either way, I already know what wearing I’ll be doing next year. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

2 Minute Blogging Challenge Day 6 - "Physical Challenge"

I think my biggest physical challenge, right now, would be my dynamic flexibility.  I think it lends to many of the difficulties I face with several techniques.  I'm working on it...and am slowly (so slowly) seeing improvements.  I think a root cause is hips.  My hip stretches really help.  Speaking of which...I've fallen off the wagon with those and need to get back at them.

Friday, June 18, 2021

2 Minute Blogging Challenge Day 5 - "Favourite Time of Day"

My favourite time of day is right when I finish my morning training.  Not because I'm finally becasue this is the single moment in my day where my mind, body and spirit are all in sync.  I feel energized and refreshed....calm, centered and grounded.  It's the one moment where everything just seems to be aligned. 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

2 Minute Blogging Challenge Day 4 - "Dogs vs Cats"

Dogs vs Cats is essentially the greatest Good vs Evil conflict throughout the history of time.  Dogs are happy, playful and just genuinely glad to be with you.  Cats on the other hand...

My cats will often catch mice and leave them at the front door for me.  I'm told it's because they are giving me a gift.  I don't think so.  I dont' think it's a gift....I think it's a warning.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

2 Minute Blogging Challenge Day 3 - "Being Back At The Kwoon"

Being back at the Kwoon is like coming home.  I love seeing everyone's faces...hearing everyone's voices.  The collective energy can't be replicated at home.  It's one of the biggest things missing from my home Kwoon.  I have a sneaky suspison that I work alot harder in person as well...

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Are You There?

One of my personal goals was to write a children’s book. It ended up turning into something both very different than expected and very spiritual.  Although it was originally intended for children, I'm hoping others will enjoy it as well.

I ended up self publishing it, as I have no intention of selling it.  But I did get several copies printed and I do have one for each IHC member that would like one, as a thank you for being on this journey with me.  If you would like one, just let me know and I will get it to you.  If you don't, I take no offence whatsoever.

I’m not sure what else to really say about it except to just share it with you all.  

And you’ll finally understand what the water-colouring was all about!

On a side note, I'm trying to figure out how to publish this to ibooks but haven't quite figured it out.  I was able to publish it online through adobe (which is the link below) but it will only be available for a few days because I only have a temporary subscription.  Anyways, hope you like it.  😊

2 Minute Blogging Challenge Day 2 - "Your Favourite Spot In Your Home"

I'm fortunate enough that I have alot of different spots in my home that I would consider favourites.  If I had to choose just one, it would be in my big cushy chair in front of my fireplace...with a good book....Tank snoring at my playing.  Now that I think about it, it's more everyting around me that makes it my favourite spot....not so much the spot itself.  Hmmm....that was an interesting one.

Monday, June 14, 2021

2 Minute Blogging Challenge Day 1 - "Your Bucket List"

 I've never really had much of an official bucket list.  Throughout the years things will pop into my head that I would really like to do.  Sometiems I feel that a bucket list is more of a list of pipedreams rather than things I will actually do.  I suppose a person can do anythig, but there are alot of pieces that need to fall into place to make some things happen.  Off the topof my head, a couple things that I really think I'd like to do is swim with sharks and go to Paris.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Consistent Action

I'm really finding this mini Side Heel challenge quite beneficial.  And not just for the progress with my Side Heel, but also because of the understanding I'm developing regarding the benefits of consistent action.

We know that consistent action is key to making progress.  At it's simplest, the more times you do something, the better you will get.  50,000 is a popular number 😉.  But there's more to it then just repetitions.

If you actually pay attention and listen to your body, consistent action can help shine a spotlight on some of the finer details.  So not only are the repetitions important, but awareness is also key.  In 10 days, at just 50 kicks per leg, I've already been able to pinpoint a few things that need some attention.  These are things that I haven't noticed before, and likely wouldn't have, if not for my commitment to this challenge.  

Consistent action has also helped establish a routine.  A routine can quickly become habitual...then natural.  And from there, perhaps effortless effort will emerge.  In just 10 days, my side heel has become a normal inclusion to my day.  Previously it would have been sporadic, with no consistency, and something of an inconvenience.  As of late, it's simply a part of my day.  Rather than force, I just do.

Letting myself sink into the process of consistent action has also impacted my overall attitude.  Previously I would be frustrated because I hadn't practiced my kick for a while (essentially avoidance), and then feel anxious because I feel I'm not at the level I think I should be.  With a plan of consistent action, rather than "I just want my Side Heel to be better!" I find myself thinking "What will I learn about my Side Heel today".  

I'm feeling confident in my approach and am finding myself simply trusting in the process.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

A Different Perspective

I had a day, not long ago, where all kinds of things went wrong.  We all have these on occasion.  And I don't know about you...but usually, by the end of one of these, my attitude is pretty poor.  It's hard not to focus (and wallow) in all the things that went wrong...and essentially feel a little sorry for myself.

Oddly enough, on this particular day, at the end of it all, I found myself celebrating the fantastic day I had.

For everything that went wrong, something else went right.

At noon, I ended up with a flat tire.  Coincidentally, I had just ordered new tires the day before.  I called the shop, hoping that I could drop my car off there and just leave it until the tires arrived.  Well, they did one tires had already arrived!  AND they told me they'd be able to squeeze me in before closing that day!  Bam....crisis averted.

I got a reminder alert about Emma's dentist appointment.  Turns out I had the time written down wrong and it was an hour earlier than anticipated.  Car-less now, this was going to be an even bigger problem.  My boss then happened to show up unexpectedly and lent me her car!  However, I still needed to get Emma early from school...not as easy as you'd think since you can't just walk in with COVID restrictions.  I was able to reach the office, her teacher and the after school care program all within about the 10 minute window I had to make it all work.  Bam, Bam...crisis averted.

With the juggling of my car and Emma, it was up in the air whether I'd be home to get Nathan set up for Kung Fu.  Dan isn't the most technologically inclined (don't tell him I said that), and it was going to be a nightmare to try and help him navigate over the phone.  Low and behold, the tire shop called and they happened to get my tires done early.  I got home at 4:55, just in time to get Nathan set up for class.  Bam, Bam, Bam...crisis averted.

There were several other little things throughout the day as well....but they all seemed to work themselves out.  Or at least I was able to work around them without too much issue.  Each time I managed to work something out...I felt better and better...more and more if I could handle anything the day would throw at me.  I even found myself enjoying the challenge of it all!

Thinking back, I can't help but wonder if previous "bad days" were actually all that bad or if I was just focusing on the bad.  Did I have a tendency of making mountains out of mole hills?  Am I learning to determine better what is actually a crisis and what is just a simple inconvenience?  Am I becoming more grateful for the good rather than overwhelmed by the bad?

Was this particular "bad" day any different than the others?  Or is it my perspective that 's different?

Friday, June 4, 2021

IHC Number Update - June 4, 2021 - FYI, we are roughly 32% into the Year of the Ox

 My June IHC Update - Approximately 32% as of today

✅ = achieving/exceeding my numbers or generally on track where numbers don't really apply.  

❌ = behind on my numbers, things aren't going well or I haven't taken any steps to complete the goal yet.

➖ = unsure of progress, the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet, it may take the full year to properly evaluate, or it's something I would need my instructors to determine my success/failure.  I've decided to still list these things here just as a reminder that they are still requirements.

Base Requirements

✅  Hand Form - Da Mu Hsing I-V  319/1000

✅  Knife Form - Goju-Shorei Talon  320/1000

✅ Push-ups  17853/50,000

✅ Sit-ups  17779/50,000

✅ Sparring  316/1000

✅ Kilometers 575/1609

✅ Acts of Kindness 322/1000

✅ Blogging/Online Presence

✅ Unexcused Absences

✅ Mastery by Stewart Emery

➖ Mend a Relationship - This is hard.  But I'm still working at it.

✅  Lion Dancing - I think I'm on track with this.

 ❌ Tiger Challenge

➖  Public Performances - Hopefully with Sifu Cosgrove's initiative we'll get something going!

✅  Core Curriculum - I assume.

➖  SRKF Projects and Initiatives

Personal Requirements

✅  Weekly Dharma Talks - I will often listen to these while drafting.  I love the Q&As.

❌ Pottery - My success here hasn't been great.  But at the same time I haven't made it a priority.

✅  Box Jumps - Working towards 10 consecutive.  I need stronger legs.  Dan says more squats.  I told him to beat it.

✅ Learn how to change my car tires  - Complete.

❌ Learn how to change Oil  - Still waiting.  This new shift of Dan's is both good and bad at times.

✅ Indoor Plant - I had 3 lemon there are 2.  I had a feeling I may have knocked the one around a bit when I transplanted and that's the one that has died.  The others seem to be doing well.  I'm watching my propagations closely as well...I'm unsure right now if they are surviving the potting but I'll try and be patient and not mess with them.  It's crazy how invested I am in these plants.  The baby spider plant is absolutely thriving.

✅ Save for Family Getaway - once allowed I think I will be taking the family to Mexico.  So I've probably got plenty of time to keep saving.

✅ Compliment Dan, Emma and Nathan at least once a day.

✅ I have one additional personal goal that is almost complete.  This should be ready to share next week!

That's all to report for now.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

What Is Reasonable?

I've been feeling a real lack of confidence as of late.  I usually try to push through and "ignore" this kind of thing and usually it passes just as quickly as it appeared.  But it's been a bit now so I'm thinking it's time to put it in writing and address it.

To be clear...this is really just about my physical skill.

My engagement level is high.

My personal goals are going well.

My IHC numbers are on par.

My training is consistent.

But I feel that my physical progress has plateaued.  Maybe not "plateaued", per say....but I'm putting in a significant amount of effort, and am not seeing the results I would expect.  And it's wearing on my confidence.

Although maybe I touched on something above.  Maybe "the results I would expect" aren't reasonable. 

But then that begs the question, what IS reasonable?

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Form vs Application - A Yellow Belt Perspective

Analyzing and comparing Form and Application is at a very preliminary stage for me.  Right now I am much more focused on Form, with Application still a bit beyond my grasp.  Although I listen and file things away for future use, I actually try not to get too caught up in Application right now as I find it can muddle things up for me with Form.  I don't think I'm quite at a stage yet where I can keep the two separate, yet together.  If that makes any sense at all.  And I imagine that my thoughts regarding these things will change and evolve as I change and evolve, but for now this is what I think I know.

Form, to me, is the practicing of various techniques in very precise ways.  We pay close attention to specifics and really work on fine-tuning the details.  We move in very deliberate ways and over-exaggerate the movements.  This is done in a controlled environment where form can be the primary focus.  And why do we do this?  My very simplified answer would be to train both my mind and muscle memory so that, when needed, I would be better able to respond automatically.

Application is the "when needed" mentioned above.  It's taking everything I've practiced and using it in such a way that makes sense for the situation I'm actually in.  A real-life situation is no longer a controlled environment and there will be many variables, distractions, and a myriad of other different factors that will determine how I react.  My technique will not be the same as in Form practice, but the hope would be that it would at least suffice.

By perfecting and refining my Form, my skill in Application will, hopefully, become more and more viable.