Monday, March 1, 2021

Someone's Got a Case of the Mondays??

This morning was a bit of a train wreck.

I totally blanked in Lao Gar.  

Hseih Chien turned into Da Mu Hsing after the palm heel strike.  

I hit myself with my stick.  Several times.  Then lost my grip and it went flying across the room.  I haven't yet assessed the damage to Nathan's hot wheels track.

I tripped myself during Broadsword.  Seriously.

And let's just say it's a good thing I'm using a training knife.

Something is obviously out of balance.  Did I find myself frustrated?  Actually no.  In fact, I found myself laughing...good true laughs.  It was classic....I wish now that I had recorded it.  Just use that Kung Fu visualization you all have and I'm sure you'll find yourself chuckling're welcome. 😉

I can sometimes over-analyze things that don't warrant the necessity or effort.  And I'm learning that oftentimes things will re-balance on their own if we just let them be and give them the chance.

Sometimes things just are.  And sometimes they aren't.

ps. don't tell Nathan about the hot wheels

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