Thursday, February 25, 2021

Then I Lost It

I made some adjustments to my training now that I'm part of the I Ho Chaun team.  As you are all very well aware, there are many requirements that need daily attention (incremental progression!!) in order to meet the annual goal.  So these things are now getting preference in my daily training.

But I think my kicks are suffering.  I still have 2 training days a week dedicated to kicks and core class curriculum, but I don't think it's enough.  I'm noticing a bit of a breakdown.  

I tend to think my overall training schedule is appropriate.  But what I may need to do is add a weekly focus on one particular kick to try and keep that part of my training up to par.  I feel like kicks are so important for so many other aspects and I don't want to let them fall to the wayside.  For example, I may choose a kick each week and do 100 extra of those each day on top of my regular training.  Splitting them up into several sets would be doable throughout the day I think.  I'm curious as to how much time others spend on their kicks.  Maybe I'm totally out to lunch here??

Having said positive this morning.....something clicked with my side heel....I seemed to have the timing with my kick and pivot working really well....I could almost feel a "snap" as everything was just lining up perfectly.  Then I switched legs and lost it.  🤦‍♀️

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