Tuesday, February 9, 2021


It dawned on me yesterday morning that everything I do...every single choice I make...sets an example for my kids.

I've always known my choices will affect them....but what I mean is that even the smallest "insignificant" things have an impact as well.  The things that I'm doing on "auto-pilot", without thinking, are going to make their way into their psyche, just as easily as the choices that require more time and thought.  Probably more so because they're done on a daily basis and occur more regularly.

For instance...the busses to school are cancelled due to the cold.  But it wasn't even a question that I would drive them.  They didn't ask to stay home.  There were no arguments.  If school is open, then they go.  Because school, for us, is their biggest responsibility.  They know this by now.  So unless there are some really extreme circumstances preventing them getting there....then we get them there.

I feel that, to stay home...to miss school...even though there's an obvious, alternative way to get there, only shows them that there ARE excuses to sidestep responsibility.  There ARE excuses for skipping a class.  There ARE excuses to avoid commitments.

Every skipped class because I'm feeling lazy.  Every sick day, without being sick.  Every last minute cancellation because I'm just tired.  They see them all.  And they learn.

And I don't want to teach them that.  They will find enough excuses on their own to avoid commitments and responsibility....I need to try not to hand them any.

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