Monday, March 22, 2021

Life Skills 101

One of my personal goals for the Year of the Ox was to learn how to change a tire (and oil but that will come at a later date).  This has been something I've intended to do basically since I started driving.  It's terrible to admit, but I've always just had someone to take care of this for me, and so have never made it a priority.  But I'm a believer that everyone should have some basic knowledge about their vehicle.  In fact, I wish that the school system included a mandatory class called "Life Skills 101" where they taught everyone skills like this, as well as other basics like making a budget, doing your taxes, fixing a leaky faucet, etc.  Nobody should feel helpless or lost when it comes to these kinds of things.  My intention isn't to put the mechanics, accountants or plumbers out of business...but we should all still understand the basics.  And in the event we HAD to take care of something ourselves, we could. 

So here we are 25 years later....finally taking my own advice.

Dan was my teacher.  He took his job very seriously and felt it was important that I got the "full experience" (his words) I was also responsible for hauling the summer tires from the back shed (video clip below).  The "full experience" also included changing all 4 tires, even though my goal was to learn how to change A tire...not 4.  I learned about Pascal's law.  I learned about foot/lbs and torqueing.  I learned that Dan would make a very good Foreman...and a very poor photographer.  He promised he would take a few pictures for me.  The best of them are included in this blog.  The vast majority were of a gloved hand in front of a tire.  One actually showed my face...which is good so I have some actual proof that I did it I suppose...although if you look close you'll see it could have been better.

It's funny how when you first take on something new, it can be a little intimidating.  But it's mostly just the unknown that makes it that way.  Once you break it down and learn the steps....pretty much anything is doable.  

And although it wasn't a huge task...I have just a little bit more confidence in myself than I did yesterday.

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