Friday, March 5, 2021

Speaking of Change

Dan's shift changes this coming week to 7 days on, 7 days off.

This means schedule changes with the afterschool care program, bussing and the day home and involves the inclusion of 11 different people to ensure everyone gets to where there need to go on any given day.

This won't change anything with Kung Fu for the kids.  But it may mean changes for me.  IHC should be fine.  But I will likely miss every second Tai Chi class.  And right now I'm unsure about my regular classes.  I'm crossing my fingers that the timing works out and Dan will make it to the Kwoon to grab the kids before class starts....but Wednesday will be the trial run.  Pre-covid this wouldn't have been an issue because the kids could just sit on the benches and wait for Dan....or just sit and watch my classes.  Covid adds the complication.

This is minor compared to some of the things others have to adjust to. And we'll sort it out as needed.....roll with the punches so to speak.  *wink*wink*

But I'm certainly grateful for the continued availability of the online classes.

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