Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Some thoughts stemming from "Mastery" by Stewart Emery.

I've always considered myself normal.  Average.

I see others around me excelling in different things.  Sports.  Academics.  Arts.  There are just so many people out there with such incredible talent.  I've always been one of those people that is "good" at most things...but never really "great" at anything.

I've always thought of greatness as something that brought wealth, fame, prestige or accolades.  And I always thought you needed that legendary quality that eludes many of us called "natural talent".   Without it, greatness...mastery...wasn't even possible.  But maybe I was wrong.

Maybe I can choose what I want to be great at.

Maybe the whole "you can do whatever you put your mind to" is actually true.

Maybe mastery is solely determined based on where I started...what I've overcome...where I am and where I intend to go.

Maybe it's impossible to try and compare mastery.

Maybe greatness is the desire to keep going even when it's easier to quit.

Maybe it's the commitment, passion and effort put forth that determines greatness.

Maybe mastery is achieved within the work that goes towards a goal...and not in the actual end goal itself.

Maybe the actual "success part" is sort of irrelevant in terms of mastery.

Maybe declaring that success equals mastery means you've actually entered mediocrity.

Maybe in the past I accepted "good" as the only possibility available to me...and that was the only reason I never got to "great".

Maybe I can determine my own greatness.

Lots of maybes.


  1. Thank goodness you reposted this. I memorized it in 2010; it changed my life. Of course now, I can't remember it all and I've been wanting to refer back to it, but could not find it. Here it is.
