Friday, January 15, 2021

Yes They Are

Recently it seems like a certain lesson has been repeated quite often.  Or perhaps I'm just noticing it more as a Yellow belt.  This particular lesson is how, as we make our way up to higher and higher belt levels, the expectations increase as well.  

We can't do Da Mu Hsing the same at Blue as we did at Green.  We can't do a Roundhouse the same at Yellow as we did at White.  And this applies to every single form, technique, application...everything.

When the Sifus are talking to us about this, I find myself thinking...."Am I not progressing?"...."Should I be working harder?"...."Am I not doing enough?"..."Did this come up because of something I did, or didn't do?"...and a myriad of other questions.

I ultimately wonder "Are they are talking to me specifically?"...

And the answer is yes, they are. 

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