Friday, April 29, 2022

A Taste Of Sparring

I got my first taste of sparring this week. 

It began with some basic drills...but quickly turned into a free-sparring match with judges and all.  Truth be told, I was expecting to start sparring in this class...but I envisioned it more as a gentle, gradual progression...and not a massive shove.  But sometimes without the shove, nothing happens.  And so I'm thankful for how this class played out.

Like the grappling, I think this is something that I could get on board with.  I currently suck....but it's one of those things that sparked an excitement that I'm eager to explore.

Thank-you to my very first sparing opponent, Toudai Smith.  I truly appreciate you pulling that shot to my eye.

Btw...the graphic I've included does not at all represent how our match went.  lol

Monday, April 25, 2022

I AM...Brave

Doing something, rather than nothing.

Trying something new and different, over what I've always done in the past.

Saying yes to opportunities rather than no.

Reaching out for and accepting help when I cannot do it myself.

Speaking and standing up for those that are unable to do it for themselves.

Continuing to try even after failing countless times before.

Doing what will serve others, over what might only serve myself.

Admitting when I have done wrong and facing the consequences to make it right.

Embracing fear and taking action in spite of it.

Doing what I believe is right, over what is easy.

All of these things, to me, are examples of bravery.  When faced with a choice, these are the things I think about.  I am certainly better at some, over others, but I consciously try to find a way to be brave in some way every single day.  As with anything, small incremental actions will add up to extraordinary things.

Friday, April 22, 2022

I AM...But I Am Also NOT

I continue to struggle with the I AM project.  Maybe struggle isn't the word...I'm not stressed or frustrated about it.  Perhaps it's just influencing me in a different way than it was intended.

Again and again I will choose a word that I think is suitable...that I think easily applies to me.  But as I dig deeper, I begin to question myself.  Over and over, I realize just how far I am from actually being the person I want to be and how much work I still need to do.  Can I claim to be something for one reason, when there are others that show I am not?

I began writing about how I am honest.  Yet there are so many things I've done that would prove otherwise.

I began writing about how I am patient.  But again, there are so many instances where I am impatient.

A leader? some ways others not so much.

Tolerant? I really?

Charitable?...I should really do more.

Brave? life has been a cakewalk compared to many others and so my acts of bravery seem irrelevant to what some have had to face.

For every reason I can think of to support why I AM these things, I can think of another that supports why I am NOT.

Maybe I am being too literal.  Maybe I am missing the point.  Maybe I am supposed to focus on who I am right now in this moment, and not about who I used to be.  Maybe this is another instance where comparing myself to others defeats the purpose.  Maybe this project is just taking me in a different direction than it's supposed to.  Or maybe it's taking me in the exact direction I need to be going.

At the very least it is making me more aware of my true self and I have found it influencing many of my thoughts and actions day to day.  Perhaps I can't say I AM many of these things....but I certainly am TRYING to be.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Recognizing The Potential

Well....last night's class was a real eye opener.  And in a good way.

Prior to last night, if asked which kick is my strongest, I would have 100% said the front thrust kick.  In my mind, it's pretty much the only kick that I have any sort of actual skill with and can perform consistently.

But I have to admit, my spinning back kick surprised me.  

I have a few spinning back kicks in my form, and so I've been getting quite a bit of practice there.  I've also recently made myself stop planting my foot down for balance before throwing my kick and I've convinced myself to stop worrying about the little details and just go for it.   And last night I could see the progress that I've made.

As we worked on the heavy bag, I suddenly realized that maybe my front thrust kick isn't my best kick.  Or at the very least it's coming closer to losing that number one spot.  Not every time, but a good number of times, my spinning back kick felt really good.  I moved without hesitation.  I found my target.  And I kicked with confidence.  I don't know what it looked like, but it felt pretty good.  And based on the heavy bag, my spinning back kick is most definitely more powerful than my front thrust kick.

I still have alot of work to do.  I need to really firm up my foot position.  There were times I lost focus on my heel and blading.  And I certainly need to improve my consistency.

But I can really see the potential I have with this kick.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Maintenance Mode

Well, Covid finally got me.

I am currently isolating at home.  My training has required some serious adjustments.   I am mostly confined to my bedroom, and so I am missing the luxury of my training area.  And my main symptom seems to be fatigue and body aches.  I attempted to do some sparring the other day, and found myself winded after only a couple of minutes.

However, I'm still managing to keep up with my numbers by gearing down to maintenance mode.

I am focusing on smaller sections of my forms that I can complete in full (without running into a wall or bed), and am working on smaller details within those sections.  I'll do each section 3-4 times and by the end I've got my 3-4 full form repetitions for the day.

I am using this time to work on my opening bow.  Plenty of room for that.

I'm using my confined space to really keep my stick nice and tight to my body.  In the instances where I intend for my stick to extend out, I'm developing awareness of my surroundings in order to utilize the space I have for maximum effect of the strike or block.  Not ideal for the form itself, but still beneficial in developing spatial awareness.

I'm doing my pushup and situp reps in smaller bunches as to not overexert myself.  I was initially worried I wouldn't be able to keep up, but sets of 10-20 add up quickly throughout the day.

My body is extra tired, and so I've slowed down and am doing alot of slower, low intensity reps.  Lots of value here still.  I'm noticing alot with my foot movements and with recognizing those precise moments where energy is released.  I'm also working on harmony and establishing those moments where everything finishes together.

The one area that is suffering is my sparring because of my lack of stamina at present.  But it just popped into my head that the 1-step, 2-step and 3-step patterns could be an option.  I'll give those a go today.

No mind blowing accomplishments this week.  But I think I'm managing to maintain everything.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Something just feels off lately.  Or maybe something's missing altogether.  Whatever it is I can't quite figure it out.

I have lots of things to work on, but can't seem to focus or set priorities.  I continue to train...I continue to maintain my numbers...because I know if I don't I'll regret it once this feeling passes.  But it feels like I'm just working on bits and pieces and nothing of real substance.  And if I do manage to accomplish something bigger, I'm still left feeling unsatisfied.  This morning I worked on my sparring for a good 15 minutes straight, and instead of feeling good about it, I felt like I should have spent that time on something else.  This feeling has become a regular occurrence as of late.

I'm typically a self starter...a self motivator...but right now I kinda wish I had a personal Sifu/Sihing that would just come to my house at 5am and tell me exactly what to do...exactly what to work on.  For some reason it just feels like I'm not making the right choices or taking the right steps to maximize my progress and potential.

Monday, April 4, 2022

IHC Number Update - April 5, 2022

 My April IHC Update - Approximately 17% into the Year of the Tiger

Year of the Tiger - Feb 1, 2022 to Jan 20, 2023 (353 days)

✅ = achieving/exceeding my numbers or generally on track where numbers don't really apply.  

❌ = behind on my numbers or things aren't going well, where numbers don't apply.

➖ = unsure of progress, the opportunity hasn't presented itself yet, it may take the full year to properly evaluate, or it's something I would need my instructors to determine my success/failure.  I've decided to still list these things here just as a reminder that they are still requirements.

Base Requirements

✅ Hand Form - Dou Ti  178/1000

✅ Weapon Form - Stick 1 and 2  178/1000

✅ Push-ups  8879/50,000

✅ Sit-ups  8890/50,000

❌ Sparring  167/1000 *I'm short here by about 10...not concerned...I'll catch up this week

✅ Kilometers 295/1609

✅ Acts of Kindness 211/1000

✅ Blogging/Online Presence

✅ Unexcused Absences

➖ Mastery by Stewart Emery

✅ Mend a Relationship

➖ Lion Dancing - Instructors call

➖ Tiger Challenge

➖ Public Performances

➖ Core Curriculum - Instructors call

✅ SRKF Projects and Initiatives

Personal Requirements

➖ Learn how to reclaim my pottery clay

✅ Establish a 15 minute/2km run time - I went for a run on Sunday.  My last timed run was at the bootcamp and I clocked in at 17:20.  Yesterday I ran 2.13 kms in 16:09.  Improvement!

⭐ Box Jumps

✅ Monthly date with Dan

➖ Lion Dance Drumming

✅ Weekend Kung Fu Training with Kids

✅ Chi Development

➖ 3 x 1 Month "Clean Eating Challenge" - next one will be June.  But I've noticed I'm making some healthier choices on a more regular basis.

✅ Record Numbers of all known forms.  There is no specific number I'm trying to reach.  My personal requirement is simply to record them.

  • Awakening the Dragon = 0 *yikes*
  • Broadsword 1-2 = 8
  • Da Mu Hsing 1-5 = 25
  • Hsieh Chien = 9
  • Lao Gar 1-3 = 14
  • Long 1 = 11

Perfect Timing

I had a recent conversation with Sifu where the topic was pretty heavy.  Once the discussion was over, I took the opportunity to ask him a technical question about a form.  Immediately afterwards I felt a bit guilty for asking something so trivial.  I felt selfish for allowing myself to turn my thoughts so quickly to Kung Fu when there are so much more important things going on around me.

But after thinking on it a bit more, I decided that it was actually the perfect time to ask that question.

If I hadn't asked that question in that moment, I likely would have drifted further into the feelings of anxiety and panic that were starting to form.  I may have succumbed to fear and sadness.  Instead, I acknowledged and accepted their presence...but then made the choice to shift my focus to something within my control.  These feelings are still there, but without constant, obsessive attention, they are unable to grow...and instead can remain as they are, at a manageable level.

Kung Fu grounds me.  It brings me back to myself and the present moment.  It reconnects me with the things that are within my control.  It keeps me moving forward even when things around me could very easily pull me back.

It is the perfect time for Kung Fu.