Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Just Carry On

Over the past couple weeks I have felt that something's been slightly off with my forms.  And so I've sort of just been monitoring it to see if I could figure out the what and the why.  
This morning, while doing Da Mu Hsing, it hit me.  I have let go of my center.  

A long while back (July 10, 2021 to be exact) I journaled about how I was starting to really make some great progress with being more aware and more in control of my center.  How I was starting to recognize and establish how everything seems to flow from and around it and how when I maintained that focus, it alleviated many problems I was feeling with balance and harmony.  I recall continuing to work with this for a long time, making it a consistent part of my practice.  Eventually, I think I got to a point where it was becoming more natural...easier...and so I slowly became less cognizant of my attention to it....and eventually let my focus shift to other things.

As with most things, when you stop paying attention and making a specific effort, progress that has built up can slowly dissipate.  When it occurred to me this morning that this might be the issue, I pulled that focus back and knew right away that this had been why things felt off.

In the past I would have been frustrated or disappointed for wasting this time, while feeling like I had to start over.  Instead, I found myself comparing this to meditation.  When I sit and focus on my breathing, it is inevitable that my mind will wander.  When I become aware that this has happened, I simply pull my focus back to my breathing and carry on.  I don't get mad or frustrated...there is no point in that.  It's natural that my mind will wander to other things.  

This is essentially the same here, except instead of a few minutes of not realizing, it was weeks....maybe even months.  Lol.  But with continued practice, my hope is that eventually it will happen less and less...and even when it does, I will be quicker to realize.

Either way....whether it takes me seconds, or if it takes me years....there is still no need to be frustrated or upset.  It serves no purpose.  I just need to pull my focus back and carry on.

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