Thursday, January 20, 2022

Dietary Goal - Year of the Tiger

Over the past while, I've been feeling really sore.  And stiff.  And tired.  And slow.

I am active and train consistently, so yes, some of this is normal.  But, deep down, I also know that much of this is likely linked to my eating habits.  I tend to think my physical potential is being drastically hindered, and that if I could also make some changes with my diet, I will very likely see big advancements.

Hence, my dietary eating goal for the Year of the Tiger, where I have committed to "clean eating" for 3 separate months throughout the year.  I took this a bit further and also specified the months of February, June and October in my submitted requirements.  I felt it was important to commit to specific months in writing, or risk this goal being put off, and put off...and then forgotten.  And I'm glad I did that.  Because I've already had thoughts about how I can justify postponing....but alas, I cannot, because there is a document out there that someone can point to and say "tsk, tsk.....Ms Ferris...this clearly states February, right here in black and white."

And so here I am....attempting to get my head in the game.

Now I've tried all kinds of different ways of eating over the years.  To date, there has only been one that has worked for me, where I've seen results, felt great, been able to maintain long term and haven't felt starved.  I think one of the biggest reasons it worked for me is because it's simple, requires no tracking of points or calories and I still get a regular opportunity to indulge.

General Eating Guideline
Sunday to Friday - "Clean" Eating
- Natural proteins and Vegetables only - as much as I want
*Exception - Within roughly 30 minutes after training or workouts I will have yogurt, cheese, smoothie and/or fruit.
- Natural butter and oils are fine for cooking - no margarine
- I allow myself dips and dressings, but opt for the better ones like guacamole, tzatziki, hummus, oil/vinegar
- Coconut milk for coffee or just black 😭 This is the worst part of it all.
- Try, as much as possible, to choose items for which I can recognize and pronounce the ingredients.
- The general idea is essentially no sugar and no foods that will break down into sugars.
*Although I never made this a hard and fast rule, I also always tried to think about variety.  Meaning, red meat every day isn't the best....bacon everyday isn't the best.....potatoes as a vegetable at every meal isn't the best...a full container of nuts every day isn't the best... - I won't be eating meat this time around...but you catch my drift.
Saturday - Treat Day
- Eat whatever the heck I want.  These days are epic.  I usually make a list of everything I craved throughout the week and then try to knock them all off the list.  And I'm being dead serious.

The biggest challenge this time around is going to be doing this as a vegetarian and being more conscious of organic and sustainable choices. But I think this will just take some extra planning.  I'm doing these in 1 month "stints" so I think I might even meal plan the entire month in advance.  I also plan to incorporate at least one "full on" vegetarian meal each week that I will force feed to my family....because, well, sometimes I don't want to cook separate meals!

The idea with doing this 3 times throughout the year, is that it will eventually stick permanently or at least semi permanently.  In the past, as I realized the benefits, and because I just felt good, it simply became the way that I ate.  Treat days also became less "full" simply because cravings naturally subsided....although I ALWAYS maintained the rule of not limiting treat days.  I fell off the wagon during pregnancies and then again when I became a vegetarian.  But I'm ready, and determined, to incorporate this back into my life.

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