Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How It Looks vs How It Feels

Something we try to attain in our forms (and everything) is the 6 harmonies.  The connection between our upper and lower halves.  Our left to our right.  Hands-feet, elbows-knees, shoulders-hips, spirit-intent, intent-chi, chi-strength.

Although I have a long ways to go, I had thought I was starting to really embrace this.  When training at home, I don't have any mirrors, and so I typically pay more attention to how something feels, rather than how it might look.  And I had been feeling really good about the Tiger Claw portion in Lao Gar 3.  Yet when we practiced in class on Monday, I could see in the mirror how, physically, my heel was on the ground before my tiger claw finished.  This threw me a bit initially.  If I hadn't been in front of a mirror, I would have sworn everything was finishing at the exact same time.   Upon seeing this, I slowed it down and played with it a bit.  When I did this, I could certainly make the tiger claw and the heel connection end simultaneously....but it no longer felt the same internally.  

So here are the questions and thoughts now rolling around in my head,

Because this portion is circular in nature, rather than linear, will this change how I perceive "completion"?

Is this even something I should second guess?  Or should I just trust how I'm feeling and let it evolve naturally?

Is this something that changes as we progress?  Meaning, do we need to eventually allow our energy some influence and leeway?

And most importantly, can someone just give me all the answers?

Hold please....something just popped into my head.

Have a look at the attached picture.  The first one is how I've always "organized" my understanding of the 6 harmonies, because it just makes sense to create a list when we first get started.  But the second is what just flashed into my mind....and although it looks way more actually makes way more sense.  It should probably actually be a 3D dynamic, rotating model....but I didn't have time to draft that up.  Lol.

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