Tuesday, December 28, 2021

A LEGO Christmas Tradition

One of my personal goals, that won’t be fulfilled, is taking the family on a surprise vacation.  Unfortunately, any funds I managed to save had to be used for some necessary home maintenance. 

Ms Kohut recommended that I re-evaluate this goal and determine the true intent behind it.  She suggested that there was perhaps another way I could still fulfill the intent, even if it was by a different means. 

After some thought, I realized that the true reason for this goal was to do something special for my family that would also result in some quality family time.  And, although the original idea of a vacation would have been fun, we don’t need to spend a lot of money or go far to make this happen.

Something all four of us enjoy is LEGO. And being the Christmas season, I found a Christmas themed set that we could all work on together.  I surprised the family with this on Christmas Eve, and we spent the day working on it, little by little.  Not only did we build LEGO, but more importantly, memories.  In fact, we decided, as a family, that this would be a tradition moving forward.  Each year we will add something new to our “LEGO Christmas Village” and will spend that time together every Christmas Eve.

There will always be obstacles in our path.  There will always be challenges in achieving our goals.  But if we are true to the spirit behind them, and if we are able, and willing, to adapt, we can still find success. So although I wasn’t able to fulfill the specifics of this goal, I did manage to fulfill the intent behind it.

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