Tuesday, October 5, 2021

One on Ones

Over the last couple of months I've realized that I haven't been utilizing my one-on-ones as well as I normally do.  And I think the biggest reason why I'm feeling a disconnect is because I stopped booking them in advance.

Previously, I would book my appointments as far in advance as possible...regardless of whether I had a specific topic in mind at that time, or not.  By doing that, I always had a deadline...a goal.  I had committed to something specific and so I would be diligent with writing things down to discuss...and my mind was always active, ready to recognize the smallest detail as I trained.  It pushed me outside my comfort zone and added some pressure to make a greater effort in all aspects of my training.  I had some extra incentive to be prepared for a Sifu that was willing to spend some one-on-one time with me.

When I stopped booking them in advance, that incentive was gone.  I think my mind became a bit lazy.  I found myself not taking notes as often....not paying as much attention to the finer details.  And since I hadn't written much down to work on AND I didn't have a pre-booked appointment, I would end up just not booking one at all and skipping that week.  And I told myself this was okay, because I hadn't actually committed to anything.....Right??...

I suppose that's technically accurate in terms of a single one-on-one.  

But not so much if we talk in terms of mastery.

Officially scheduled or not, there is always a commitment to my Kung Fu...to my instructors...to the IHC...to this journey...to myself.  And that commitment includes taking advantage of any resource available to me whenever I possibly can.

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