Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Be More "Kid"

I've recently been given the opportunity to start assisting regularly at the Tiny Tigers and Black Dragons Level 1 classes.  It's actually kind of funny.  When I was first developing my personal requirements for the year of the Ox, Dan suggested that one of my goals be to teach.  I remember scoffing at that suggestion, telling him that goal would be waaaaaaay out of reach for me.  Yet here we are.

My first classes were last Thursday.  And it was even more fun and amazing then I thought it would be.

Being my first day, and not really knowing what the heck I was doing, I sort of just jumped in here and there where I felt someone needed a bit of help.  There were a few newer kids near the back that I ended up navigating towards.  I would attempt to demo something for them, and when they started to catch on it was such a huge achievement for both of us!  It wasn't even that they suddenly did it perfectly....but the moment there was even a slight improvement, I couldn't help but celebrate with gusto.  And seeing the excitement and pride in their faces was absolutely priceless.

Kids are so much different than adults.  They have no fear, they aren't all that self conscious, they don't overthink things, they really don't care if they stumble and fall...they're just there having a good time, doing Kung Fu to the best of their ability....celebrating every success and really not worrying too much about the "fails".  In fact, I don't even think they consider anything to be a "fail".  And why should they?  It's not failing if you're doing...if you're trying.

So why do I let all of these things play into my own training?  Why am I scared to fall or stumble?  Why am I self conscious with how I look doing something?  Why do I overthink?  Why do I not celebrate every single, tiny, little improvement, rather than waiting for some very specific (often unrealistic) end result, in order to feel good about my progress?

I think I need to be more "kid".

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