Thursday, April 1, 2021

There Is A Cloud In Your Tea

There was a serious incident at Dan's shop yesterday.  Two co-workers, two friends, were badly injured.  One is currently in the hospital in stable condition.  We received word this morning that the other did not make it.

All I can think about is that it could have been Dan and that I'm so thankful it wasn't.  What a terrible selfish thought.  Yet it's there.

Life is so uncertain.  From moment to moment anything can happen.  You can be joking and laughing with someone and a moment later they're gone.

I truly believe we are all connected....and I truly believe that we don't just become nothing when we die....but instead we just become something different.

But there is still a great feeling of loss.  And it's hard in times like this to stay grounded.  But it is a reminder to live in the present moment as much as we can.  It's really the only moment we have for certain.  We need to make it count.

"...when you look up at the blue sky you don’t see your cloud anymore. And you might say ‘Oh, my cloud has died’. In fact it hasn’t died....A cloud can never die. A cloud cannot become nothing. A cloud can become the snow, the rain, the can become my tea...but a cloud can never die..." - Thich Nhat Hanh

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