Saturday, April 3, 2021

Acts of Kindness

The discussion on Acts of Kindness from our recent IHC meeting has stuck with me.  I found this requirement difficult to track as well, at first.  But I began asking myself some questions to determine whether what I was doing was standard....or extra....and it’s made it much easier.  

Question 1.  Is this something I HAVE to do?...meaning is this a basic responsibility as a mother, wife, employee, friend, human being, etc.  When I say basic, I mean would the "average" person do this on a regular basis?

Question 2.  Did I somehow ADD something to a basic responsibility to make it special?

So some examples...

Do I have to plough my driveway?...yes
Do I have to plough the neighbours driveway? = AOK
Do I have to do Dan's laundry? = AOK
Do I have to do the kids' laundry?...yes
Do I have to make sure Nathan's favourite t-shirt gets washed 3 times a week? = AOK
Do I have to feed my family?...yes
Do I have to make the kids' favourite meal? = AOK
Do I have to say thankyou to my grocery clerk?....I consider this a yes because I believe that this is a basic expectation of the average person.
Do I have to engage in pleasant conversation with my grocery clerk? = AOK
Do I have to clean up my mess in the lunchroom at work?...yes
Do I have to clean up my co-workers mess as well? = AOK

As said in the meeting by many of you, not only are Acts of Kindness specific, stand-alone acts, but they can also be regular day-to-day occurrences that you make just a little bit better...whether it be for your family, friends, co-workers, pets, or any living thing for that matter.  And the hope is that these small acts will inspire others and kindness will spread.

Not everyone goes beyond the basic expectations...beyond the average....which leads us, yet again, back to Mastery.

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