Monday, April 26, 2021

My Spirit Animal

My dog Avery is a human whisperer.  

This is not the big black lab you all see frequently knocking me over or running into my kicks....that is my sidekick Tank.   He’s such a handsome boy and I love him...but he is the hard proof that you can’t have both looks and brains.  Avery is a rescue.  A SCARS rescue actually.  Dan and I used to foster, pre-kids, and I saw her at an adoption event and took her home.  

We attempted doing some training with her....the basic commands.  But she honestly looked at us like we were morons.  I’m not so sure she was wrong.  And even though the only command she actually knows to this day is “sit”, she is the best behaved dog ever.  Honest to gosh, “dog-haters” love her....even my in-laws...and they don’t like animals of any kind...including most humans.  She always seems to just know what I’m saying. I can speak to her in full sentences and she seems to get it.  She has also always seemed to be in tune with me, specifically.

From day one she has been very easy going and relaxed.  Just sorta hangs out...doesn't need to be in the thick of it....doesn’t follow you around, constantly under foot, like another dog I know.  She excuses herself if things get too intense....or loud.  But when I’m upset...frustrated...sad....and even if we are on opposite ends of the house...she comes to me.  It’s gotten to the point that she sometimes alerts me to the fact that something has escalated too far.  She can sense my emotions almost before I can.  She was an absolute godsend when the kids were babies...crying sleep...etc, etc.  She brought me back and helped me re-ground. 

She continues to do this and did it for me again yesterday.  I was feeling very frustrated.  My stress skyrocketed...I really need to take my work email off my phone....but that’s another blog.  She came to me...looked me in the eyes...and laid down at my feet.  And I knew I needed to take a breath and calm down.

She’s 10 now.  And her age is showing.  She’s had one knee replacement already.  But for some reason I just know, when it’s her time to go, she’ll find me again.  People talk about spirit animals.  And I always thought that meant a specific species....but I don’t think that’s it.  I don’t think the species’s the spirit inside.  And she is mine.

What does this have to do with "kung fu"?  I don't know....doesn't everything??

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