Monday, April 5, 2021

The Knife - Part II

For those of you that may not know, I am not actually developing my own weapon form, but am instead learning the Goju-Shorei knife form "Talon".  Goju-Shorei is quite a different style from Lu Ping An.  Lu Ping An forms, although very powerful and strong, are also quite fluid and graceful with hidden techniques and applications.  Goju-Shorei, on the other hand, is very "to the point" and aggressive.  There's really no messing around and it's fairly evident what's happening.  There are exactly 14 different attackers in this form....and in case you can't tell, I win.  

At our last IHC class I demoed sections 1-3.  I have since added section 4 and now know the form in it's entirety.  Timing myself, it takes about 2:10.  So it's also quite a long form.....although it doesn't feel that long when I'm doing it.  But now that I have the steps down, I can really start fine-tuning and making it my own.  So far I've attempted to incorporate some of our basic stances and am trying to make the movements flow a bit more from one to the other, without compromising too much of the original form itself.

My biggest challenge will be finding a balance between honoring the Goju-Shorei form, while staying true to my own style, and my own spirit.

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