Monday, August 3, 2020

Falling Behind

Every so often I start to feel overwhelmed with the shear amount of information coming at me.  Just when I think I've started to figure things out and get a handle on my training, we are introduced to new techniques, forms, applications, ideas, etc.  I feel that if it's being discussed in class, then it's something I should be working on. But I just can't fit it all in.  I'll be focused on and dedicated to practicing a few specific things that I have deemed important....and then suddenly realize that I haven't thrown a roundhouse or picked up my stick in 3 weeks.

For me, this is the biggest challenge that I have found so far with managing my own training.  It's difficult to sort out what's important now and what can wait.  And I'm constantly second guessing my choices.  I often wonder what everyone else is working on and what their training regime looks like.  Am I doing enough?  Am I working on the right things?  Or am I falling behind?

1 comment:

  1. Always work on your basics - the keystone principles. That would be your basic stances: horse, bow, cat, and high back; your basic kicks: roundhouse, side heel thrust, front thrust, spin back kick, snap kick; your basic blocks: high rising, downward foot, inside hooking, reverse hooking, outside forearm.

    There will always be concepts and skills that you will be exposed to that are beyond your present ability. File them away if they are too much so that you can revisit them when you are ready. The knowledge out there is infinite so you will always be behind. Are you doing enough? Probably yes. If you are working consistently and always pushing yourself beyond your arbitrary limits, that is all you can ask of yourself.
