Tuesday, August 25, 2020

2 Steps Back

Yes...I'm going to talk about my journey with the side heel kick again.  I apologize to anyone that's getting tired of hearing about it.  I am starting to realize this goal is going to be more long-term than not so I'm sure this won't be the last of it.  Lol.

I decided that I had taken my progress as far as I could on my own (for now) and it was time to re-evaluate and get some direct feedback from a Sifu.  (Side note to everyone......use your 1-on-1's!!!!  I will often get just as much from a 10 minute 1-on-1 as I do from a full class because it's specific just to me.)  My Sifu pointed out some specific things with my mechanics and gave me some great feedback so I can take this kick to the next level.  Turns out I've been "cheating" somewhat and haven't really been driving the kick from my hip like I should be.  So I need to take a few steps back again in order to make this correction. 

But I have to admit....I started to feel a bit frustrated this morning in my training.  I felt as though I was starting all over once again.   No balance....flailing...stumbling....*sigh*.  I touched on this issue in a previous blog where I talked about how hard it can be to see and acknowledge our own progress when we are constantly fixing things.  I felt myself feeling a bit discouraged once again.

HOWEVER....I quickly checked myself.  I know I've been working hard.  I know I've made progress.  So I told myself I needed to think about this in a more positive way.  

Firstly, I thought that perhaps I should be encouraged when a Sifu points out more things for me to work on.  If they didn't think I was ready to advance, they'd likely just let me continue on at my current level.

Secondly, how can I be "taking steps back" when I had reached out for feedback specifically to "move forward"? 

It then clicked that this is exactly what Sifu Brinker was getting at regarding the Black Belt Success Cycle. 

  1. Set a goal
  2. Have a plan (and a success coach)
  3. Take consistent action
  4. Review your progress
  5. Review your goal

Having to take some steps back is just part of the process.  Meaning sometimes taking 2 steps back is actually moving forward.

1 comment:

  1. You are dead on. Sometimes we have to move backwards before we can move forwards.
