Friday, August 21, 2020

Just Jump Already

There are big fears and little fears.  Big fears can be debilitating.  Little fears are mostly annoying, but can often pile up and really cause trouble.

I have had a plyometrics box for about 2 years now.  Actually, I'm lying....we're coming up on 3 this Christmas.  😬

The main reason I got it was because I wanted to start doing box jump exercises.  Don't ask me why I decided this was something I needed to do.  I wanted to jump high I guess.  But almost 3 years later, I have yet to even attempt ONE jump.  Every time I stand in front of that box, I just can't bring myself to jump.  The low side is only 16” yet seems like 4 feet.  I envision catching my toes and falling really hard......or having the box fly out from under me.  I have literally never attempted to do it.  Not once.  It now sits in the corner and acts as a table for my water bottle.  It's silly...I know.  Almost 3 years I've been trying to work up the's becoming somewhat comical.....and more than a little bit embarrassing.

I really need to do this.  I don't want little things like this holding me back.  If I can't even get over the little fears, how do I expect to ever conquer the big ones?

1 comment:

  1. Getting handcuffed like this happens to all of us. Every shoulder injury (and I get a lot) sets me back psychologically when it comes to my pushups. I have to take a step back and then taking the step forward again is very difficult for me. For me I think it is because once I begin, I have to follow through and what if I am not completely healed?

    My point is this is common. At times like this I remind myself of the Black Belt Success Cycle:
    1) Set a goal
    2) Have a plan (and a success coach)
    4) Review your progress
    5) Review your goal

    We all tend to spend a lot of time around #1 and sometime #2. It is that #3 that can be intimidating (hence all caps). Once you push through to #3, it is gravy from there because #4 is all about accolades and patting yourself on your back (if you truly embrace #3). If it is not, then it is on to #5 and then maybe back to #2 or maybe even #1.

    If you take consistent action on a viable plan, progress is pretty much guaranteed.
