Thursday, August 27, 2020

Back To “Normal”

School starts next week.  The plan is that I will also return to work at the office at this same time.  I’m getting a bit panicked about how I am going to be able to keep doing the things I’ve been doing once this happens.

I’ve been lucky to have been able to work from home during the pandemic.  My days have started at 7:00 am with Kung Fu, then at my desk working by 8:30.  The kids don’t need to go anywhere so they’ve had many “PJ” days.  As have I!  I’ve also had the luxury of being able to book 1-on-1’s at my leisure since I can simply get up from my desk and walk downstairs to meet with one of the Sifus for 10 minutes.

Things will be much different moving forward. In order to get the kids fed, ready and on the bus, get myself ready and incorporate my typical Kung Fu training regime, I will have to be up by 4:30 am. This is being very conservative with the time I will need.  I don’t know how I’m going to do that.  And I know me.  I know what works and what doesn’t.  I need to do my training in the morning.  It’s just how I’m wired.  Whenever I tell myself I’ll do it later, it just doesn’t happen.  Can I maintain a 4:30 am wake up call??  I don't know.  And on top of that challenge, my options for 1-on-1's will be very limited moving forward.

At this point I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do and how this is all going to pan out.  I really don’t want things to fall off the rails but, so far, I can't seem to formulate a feasible plan.

1 comment:

  1. The key is sustainability. Your training regime must be sustainable over the long term or you are setting yourself up for failure. COVID has really changed things for the past six months so be careful about committing to a routine that has been normalized by something extraordinary. If you're always thinking kung fu and applying it in your everyday life, training opportunities are everywhere.

    Remember, you have your whole life ahead of you. If you are planning on training for your entire life (of course you are), then relax. Find your rhythm and boldly proceed.
