Wednesday, August 19, 2020


I've been making some discoveries about energy.  I'll call it energy, although it could be something completely different as it's somewhat new to me.  

Recent discussion regarding the explosive energy you leave behind after a strike (Fajin) was what actually inspired me to take notice and pay attention.  Specifically we talked about the energy left behind after a front thrust well as the example Sifu Brinker gave of Master McNeill forcing him back after pulling his fist away from his chest.  It was the energy left behind that actually caused the force rather than a physical blow.

I've really been trying to open my mind to the idea of energy being all around us.  Let me rephrase...there is obviously energy all around us....and within us.  What I'm opening my mind to is that this energy can actually be manipulated.  

I've never shared this story, but it has reminded me of something I used to do with my kids when they were little.  If they were sick, and couldn't be comforted, I would hold my hand hovering over where I believed the discomfort was located.  I would then envision that I was actually pulling the "bad energy" (aches, pains, sickness, etc) out of them and into my hand.  Call me crazy, but my hand would start to feel hot and tingly and I'd have to give it a good shake afterwards.  Even crazier, I honestly felt it worked because they typically calmed down and were able to rest.  I believe this might be similar to the concept of Reiki....although I did not know this at the time.  It always sort of reminded me of John Coffey from "The Green Mile" if anyone is familiar with that story.  

I've encountered this same type of thing in my training as well.  While working on my breathing exercises, when everything seems to be just right, I've felt as though I can actually breathe in good energy and breathe out the bad.  If I'm doing "Awakening the Dragon" it can even feel as though I'm moving this energy around with my hands as well.  Tai Chi has also been an instance where I've felt this, especially with the hand movements...most specifically with Grinding Corn.  It feels like I can actually move and shift the air around and that it's much thicker than just air.  This is probably why I tend to think it's something more.  Catching and throwing the "ball" in Lao Gar 3 is another instance where I've experienced this feeling.

Something else I've noticed is that this energy has different effects depending on the situation...or maybe it's more about how its being used.  With my kids it brought comfort.  With breathing it brings revitalization.  In Tai Chi it tends to be calming.  And in Lao Gar it feels powerful.

Perhaps it's not what I think it is...or perhaps its my imagination.  But maybe I've stumbled upon something more.  Either way, I will continue to keep my mind open to the possibility.

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely on to something. Your experience with your children is spot on with what you have described. In your later training you will be taught how to heal with your chi. Your descriptions and experiences are exactly how I would describe them myself. That is a first for me. "Thicker than just air" - love that description.
