Thursday, December 10, 2020


I don't think it's a necessarily a bad thing to quit something.  Sometimes things don't work out.  It's life.  One person can't do everything at once and everyone has different skills and interests.  

But I do think there is a right way and many, many wrong ways to quit.

If you've given it an honest effort...if you've shown up....if you've been engaged....if you've followed through on a plan to meet your goals....if you've reached out for help and advice....

....yet you still can't seem to find any benefit in what you're doing....then I would say it might be the right decision to move on and find something that works better for you.

Quitting in a moment of frustration would be a wrong way to quit.  

Quitting because something is "too hard" would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you think you're the worst would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you think it's taking too long to accomplish your goal would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you got lazy and feel unmotivated would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you don't have time would be a wrong way to quit.

I could go on....

The things above are all controllable and changeable.

Frustrated?....step away...breathe...focus on something different.  Frustration passes.

Too Hard?...break it down...make a plan...and follow through.  If it was easy everyone would do it and then it would no longer be special.

Feeling like you're at the bottom of the pile?...stop comparing yourself to others...focus on your own goals...acknowledge your own strengths.  Focus on getting better...not being the best.

Things aren't moving fast enough?...stop rushing...track your progress and celebrate the improvements you're making on the way.....enjoy the moment and where you are.  You can't live in the future.

Got lazy and lacking motivation?...train anyways!!...get to class!!!...reach out and engage with your fellow students and instructors.  Effort eventually becomes effortless I'm told.  😉

No time?....😒....not even going to comment on this one....

If you like doing something, do it.  If you want to be something, be it.  I know I'm making this sound simple....but it kinda is.  

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