Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What May NOT Have Been

I realized today that I have been a student at Silent River during the pandemic longer than I was prior to it.  I attended in person, "normal" classes for about 4 1/2 months before the first shutdown.  It has now been roughly 9 1/2 months of "pandemic" training.  Granted, some of that was able to happen at the Kwoon, but even so, was still very different than the norm.  And although others might have a different perspective, I feel that I've been really fortunate.  The pandemic itself is terrible, obviously....but I am certainly grateful for many things that resulted because of it.

I have had the privilege of being exposed to so much more information than I likely would have been otherwise.  Without the pandemic, the livestream classes and the 1-on-1's wouldn't even exist.  The amount of information I have gathered and accumulated from those two resources has propelled my training forward in an exponential way.  Although there were times I felt overwhelmed with the shear amount of information, once I figured out how to utilize and categorize it, I found myself wanting more.  And there was always more available.  

With every new livestream there were things I'd never done...never heard of.  Lao Gar 2&3, Broadsword and too many combinations, applications and techniques to list.....I have to wonder if I would have been exposed to any of this, at this point in my training, if not for the livestream classes.

With the 1-on-1's, not only have I been able to expand on that extra knowledge and go into further detail, but I've also been able to develop some personal relationships with the Sifus.  That, in itself, has been extraordinary.  Further to that, because of the increased online presence, I've made relationships with other students...many not in my core class.  Again, I'm not sure this would have happened, as quickly, by only attending typical weekly classes.

The opportunity to delve into Tai Chi has also been invaluable.  The benefits that correspond to our main Kung Fu curriculum are infinite.  Would I have tried it had it not been offered as a bonus during the pandemic?  I don't know.  Likely not, simply due to time constraints.  But there's no way I can give it up now.

Again, I don't intend to downplay the hardships many have faced with the pandemic.  But if there were a silver lining within it somewhere, my opportunities with Kung Fu would definitely be it.  If the pandemic hadn't happened, I don't think I would be where I am today with my Kung Fu.

Thursday, December 24, 2020


I enjoy Christmas.  This year is a little different being that we won’t have any extra family around.  But I’m sort of looking forward to just being with Dan and the kids.  

I’m always a bit more thankful around this time.  Not that I’m not thankful all year, but there’s something about this time of year that allows me to see a little clearer. I know I have been very fortunate.  And I empathize with others who have not been as lucky.  I recognize that one different decision, one different happenstance, one different incident, and my life could be completely altered.  The difference between the life I am leading, and the one being lead by someone less fortunate, could be as simple as taking a left, rather than a right.  I know this, and I am thankful.

*Thought I'd share this years' Christmas card.  Dan and I have been doing "spoofy" cards since 2007 when I realized there was no getting rid of him.  ;)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Idle Hands

I'm seeing many people blogging about how they are looking forward to this holiday break because they'll have alot more opportunity, and time, to train.  I, unfortunately, am the opposite.  These types of breaks are what can often throw me off my game.  I have learned that I thrive in structure.  The more accountability the better.  More often than not, the less "spare" time I have, the more I actually seem to get accomplished.  When you throw a bunch of extra time at me, in an unstructured way, I have no idea what to do.  I end up wasting it.  I even end up neglecting the things I normally do because I initially feel that I have all the time in the world to do it.  But then suddenly I don't.  

I need a purpose.  I need accountability.  Holidays and time off do not provide those.  No work.  No classes.  No Tai Chi.  No Q&As.  No meetings.  No challenges.  No commitments.  No timelines.  No deadlines.  No quotas.  Nobody to check in with.  Nobody to report to.  So it really doesn't matter what I do or don't accomplish.  There are many things I CAN do, but there's nothing I HAVE to do.

I do have a 1-on-1 booked for each week and hopefully that will keep me somewhat grounded and accountable.  And maybe recognizing that this has been an issue in the past will help me avoid getting de-railed.

Needless to say, I am actually really nervous about all this time off.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Kung Fu In Real Life

We all know there are a ton of benefits to Kung Fu. Self defense. Confidence.  Empathy.  Leadership skills. Health.  And many, many more.  

And I’m sure we all wonder if any of this will actually “kick in” during a real life situation. How will we respond when we need to make a quick decision?  Will we react instinctively?   Will we know what to do when a situation presents itself?  

Well.  I had my first real life experience using a physical component of Kung Fu.  Three assailants were chasing me through my house.  One 6’3” burly guy and his 2 ferocious, feral sidekicks.  They were attempting to instigate a tickle fight.  So I ran.  

Eventually I made it to the bathroom, where I was able to shut the door.  All 3 of them pushed against the door several times, to no avail.  It wouldn’t budge.  Not even an inch.  Even I, myself, was confused that I was able to hold them off.  And in all honesty, I wasn’t even exerting myself.  Eventually they gave up and left, in search of a bedtime snack. It was at that moment that I wondered “How I was able to hold the door all alone?”  There were 3 of them...1 of me.  I then realized I was holding the door in a perfect, beautiful bow stance...my back foot connected solidly to the earth. I hadn’t even thought about it.  I just did it.  And it worked.

Now I know this is a humorous story, and I wasn’t in any actual danger...but it still feels kinda cool that I knew what to do in that moment...that my body knew what to do...and I did it without thinking about it.  

Looks like things are starting to stick.  

Thursday, December 17, 2020

One Person's Success

Have you ever had someone treat you as though your success is a factor in their failure?  That somehow, your achievements have taken away the possibility of their own?  Or have you felt that way about someone else?

Whether you've been treated that way, or you've treated someone else that way...that outlook is false.  

Don't look at someone who is "ahead" of you as an enemy...as someone to overtake.  Reach out and engage with them.  Ask questions.  Learn from them.

Don't look at someone who is "behind" you as an enemy...as someone to keep at bay.  Don't hold them back because you think it would diminish your success.  Push them forward....ahead even.  Offer them what you can.  

One person doesn't have to fail in order for the other to succeed.  We can all succeed simultaneously.  

In fact, when just one of us succeeds, we all do.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Time For a Revamp - Part 1

I think it's time, once again, to revamp my training regime.  I'm finding that it's important to re-evaluate regularly in order to avoid sitting at a plateau for too long.  Once you get to a point where you seem to just be going through the motions, it's important to shake things up or risk finding yourself spinning your wheels and not going anywhere.  It can be hard to think that as much time as I put into my training, it can still become stale and inefficient.  But today I found myself thinking, "it feels like I'm just maintaining rather than progressing".  And I've come to trust my own judgement.

But please don't get me wrong.  ANY training is better than NO training.  And someday I may find myself in a space where all I can handle is maintenance.  And that's okay.  But today is not that day.  Right now I'm in a really good space, and I want to use this to keep pushing my training forward.  I don't want to waste it on maintenance.

My last revamp was Sept 21, 12 weeks ago.  How do I know that you ask??  Because I was easily able to look back in my blog.  (Yes...shameless plug for the benefits of blogging!!!).  I think 12 weeks is a pretty decent stretch for getting what I can out of this particular training schedule.

This time around, I plan to get some advice from some of the Sifus, specific to me.  So far, I've been pretty pro-active with my own training, including content for 1-on-1's, but I think I'm at a point where I'd like some direct feedback on what my instructors are seeing that I need to work on or the things they think would serve me best at this point in my training.  There's gotta be something I do where they watch and just think "what the heck is she doing?" 😅  I will always make sure to incorporate the keystone principles, but I'm thinking more in terms of mastery.  Meaning I'd like to re-focus the majority of my efforts on some specific areas, rather than the "all encompassing" "even-steven" approach I took this last time.  Not that it wasn't beneficial!  But like I said...it's just time to change things up.

One thing that will be added back on as a goal is the side heel.  I had put this on the backburner a while ago, and it's been nagging at me recently, which tells me it's time to revisit that goal.  And this time around I think I'll find myself a success coach so I can stay motivated and accountable.  I'm sure I'll be fending people off with a stick wanting to volunteer for that job. Not everyone at once now! 😂

Even as I write this I'm generating a bunch of different ideas for my new training regime...yet another benefit of blogging!! 😉

Stay tuned for Part 2...

Thursday, December 10, 2020


I don't think it's a necessarily a bad thing to quit something.  Sometimes things don't work out.  It's life.  One person can't do everything at once and everyone has different skills and interests.  

But I do think there is a right way and many, many wrong ways to quit.

If you've given it an honest effort...if you've shown up....if you've been engaged....if you've followed through on a plan to meet your goals....if you've reached out for help and advice....

....yet you still can't seem to find any benefit in what you're doing....then I would say it might be the right decision to move on and find something that works better for you.

Quitting in a moment of frustration would be a wrong way to quit.  

Quitting because something is "too hard" would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you think you're the worst would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you think it's taking too long to accomplish your goal would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you got lazy and feel unmotivated would be a wrong way to quit.

Quitting because you don't have time would be a wrong way to quit.

I could go on....

The things above are all controllable and changeable.

Frustrated?....step away...breathe...focus on something different.  Frustration passes.

Too Hard?...break it down...make a plan...and follow through.  If it was easy everyone would do it and then it would no longer be special.

Feeling like you're at the bottom of the pile?...stop comparing yourself to others...focus on your own goals...acknowledge your own strengths.  Focus on getting better...not being the best.

Things aren't moving fast enough?...stop rushing...track your progress and celebrate the improvements you're making on the way.....enjoy the moment and where you are.  You can't live in the future.

Got lazy and lacking motivation?...train anyways!!...get to class!!!...reach out and engage with your fellow students and instructors.  Effort eventually becomes effortless I'm told.  😉

No time?....😒....not even going to comment on this one....

If you like doing something, do it.  If you want to be something, be it.  I know I'm making this sound simple....but it kinda is.  

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Feeling Great

My body hurts and I am so tired.  

But I kinda feel amazing.  

My current list of injuries includes my lower back, right shoulder, right knee, left ankle, right bicep, both wrists, left big toe and right thumb.  My body, in general, feels tired and sore.  My brain is exhausted from my responsibilities at work along with just everything in general that is happening in the world.

But I still feel great.  How does that make any sense?

What's also kind of confusing is that I'm not sure that I should feel great.  In fact, I feel somewhat guilty because I know many people are struggling right now.  I mean, of course there are things in my life that aren't awesome...but they just don't seem all that significant.  Or at least they don't seem to be dampening my spirit like they normally might. 

I suppose I'll just go with it and try to spread this positive energy while I've got it!

Friday, December 4, 2020

I Am An Ox

2021 for the I Ho Chuan team will be the Year of the Ox.  I will be on that team.  

I am absolutely thrilled to take part.  I have all my requirements laid out.  I've started researching.  I've reached out to some different resources to reach my goals.  And I feel I'm prepared to make the year a success.

My very first official meeting with the I Ho Chuan team was last night.  As an incoming member, I'm attending these meetings now to "get my feet wet" so to speak.  I didn't have any expectations going in as to what these meetings entailed, but ultimately, it seems to be an opportunity to share with the group whatever might be on our minds, in a safe and accepting atmosphere.  I got to hear about some of the new and exciting things people have going on...along with the regular, but still altogether important, things as well.  I also heard about some really significant hardships that people are currently facing.  There was laughter and tears.  And at the end of it all, I really felt the power that a team can have.  If you're struggling, someone is there to support you.  If you see someone struggling, you offer your support.  You're never really alone on your journey and someone else's success can be just as fulfilling as your own when you're part of a team.  I haven't really known many of the team for long, and all I did last night was listen....but I still walked away feeling like a true member.  I thank-you all for that.  

I look forward to getting to know all of you better and to taking this journey with you.

I am an Ox.

Well...I'm actually a Sheep, which apparently is completely incompatible with an Ox.  But I won't let that get in the way.  ;)