Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Oops I Did It Again...

Hurt.  Again.  From the same mistake.  😖

I think that my main problem is that as an adult I've lost some of my confidence in my body.  

As a child I was fearless.  I trusted my body.  I trusted my movements.  I would jump...roll...twist...spin...fall....with complete faith that my body knew how to move properly so I could achieve these things without getting hurt.  Why would my own body betray me??  Of course it wouldn't.

As an adult....I now have fear.  I've lost that trust.  Most likely because over the years I've been injured and have experienced the pain, followed by the inconvenience of recovery.  Or because as I get older smaller things seem to trigger these how putting on socks might throw out my back.  I now second guess and overthink.  I often become too methodical in what I am trying to achieve.  Yes it's okay if I want to break down the movements and figure it out.  Yes it's important to understand what to do in order to perform any technique safely.

But for f#@$ sakes Malinda...once you've engaged don't try and change course half-way!!!!

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