Monday, September 14, 2020

I'm Here Now

I am getting very close to have been practicing Kung Fu for a full year.  I started November 4 of 2019.  Just after my 40th birthday.

It feels like I've been doing this much longer.  In a good way!  I feel like I was missing a really important part of myself....and I've finally found it.

But I also often feel this immense pressure to make up for lost time.  I sometimes feel regret that I've only just begun this journey and am sad that I didn't start long ago.  I don't like regret.  It's a pointless feeling to have and serves no purpose but to distract and make you question least in this particular case.  I need to remind myself that I can't change the past.  In fact...if I dig deeply enough.....I might see that if I hadn't made the choices and taken the path that I did...I may not have found Kung Fu until even later.....or perhaps not at all.  

So I suppose I should just let go of any regret and be thankful I'm here now.

1 comment:

  1. This is a universal motivational trap for everyone. So many people do not pursue their passions and dreams simply because they feel they did not start early enough. You took the step at the right time. There are so many factors that go into installing passion that you can't simply expect the same results if you had started ten years earlier.

    I try to look at everything through the eyes of gratitude. I am here, exactly where I need to be and at the right time. I was just quoting Thich Nhat Hanh to my daughter this morning when she asked what time it was - "It's time".
