Wednesday, September 9, 2020

That Doesn't Sound Like You

My family and I were driving home from camping a few weekends ago.  It was a Monday.  I had planned it so I would be home with plenty of time to get to Tai Chi and then class after that.  But I was tired...and feeling lazy after a few days without training.  And I said "I think I'll just join my classes online tonight."  Dan turned to me and said "That doesn't sound like you."  And that was it.  Just those few words.  But I replied instantly with "You're right.  It doesn't.  Nevermind."  And I went to both classes as planned.

This wasn't the first time, and likely won't be the last, that he's said those same words....

"That doesn't sound like you."  

So simple, yet they always have a huge effect every time I hear them.  I will even say them to myself, which sounds silly....but it works whenever I find myself looking for an excuse to not do something.  Just a few words that keep me from falling off track and losing myself.  My own little mantra.  Lol.

1 comment:

  1. You are lucky to have Dan in your corner to help you work through the self talk that can turn into motivational traps. He is going to be a big part of your success in the art. I’d keep him.
