Friday, August 11, 2023


Every year (Covid aside) we have a big garage sale at our shop.  It’s become a bit of a “thing”.  We’ve even got “regular” customers that watch for us year after year.  

It isn’t about making a bunch of money.  In fact, we constantly get comments how everything is so cheap.  We do it more so to keep things from piling up in a landfill.  We find it fulfilling to find things a new home, with a new purpose.

And this may sound odd, but the biggest reason I do it is to engage.  These aren’t people I know, but that doesn’t matter.  I’ll just wander around, listening to peoples’ stories.  And one thing I’ve learned is that everyone has one…and they just want to tell it.  And I think it’s really important that we all get that chance.

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