Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Just Like That

And just like that, my side heel is now better than my roundhouse.

As we continuously work on things, striving for mastery, the stuff we are weaker at eventually becomes our strengths, then our weaknesses again, then strengths.   And it cycles like that over and over as something improves, and something else takes a back seat.

Now the only reason my side heel has surpassed my roundhouse right now is because of my surgery.  But that’s irrelevant.  Our circumstances play a huge role in our strengths and weaknesses.  And right now, I am actually confident enough to even attempt a side heal, whereas I’m not quite there yet with the roundhouse.  The 3 point position is proving to be a bit of a challenge.  Most likely a mental challenge, but a challenge nonetheless.

I tend to wonder if all the visualization I did with the side heel actually helped.  Did it help with retaining muscle memory?  Did it even go so far as to improve some of the little things I was working on prior to surgery…to the point I was able to implement them right away?  Did it help in perfecting the feeling of what I WANTED my side heel to be?   

I doubt I will ever know for sure.  But I tend to think that at the very least, it kept things fresh in my mind, making it not so scary to get back into. 

1 comment:

  1. Damn right it did. You honed your perspective and intent which is what most of us struggle with and that paved the way for your body to be able to do what you’ve wanted it to do but “just couldn’t “ for some reason. People underestimate how intent translates and changes how we move.
