Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The Ripple Effect

I am starting to realize just how much our journeys can permeate into the lives of those around us.  And honestly, it is becoming one of the most fulfilling rewards for my efforts.  Every day, I'm seeing more and more signs of influence on my friends and family.

My kids are incorporating Kung Fu into their lives more and more, just on their own.  They wanted to bring their sticks on this last camping trip.  And I overheard them teaching friends the crane stance while balancing on logs.

Dan has started doing push-ups and sit-ups (of his own accord) and has joined me on occasion with my hip opening stretches.

My mom, 73, who has apparently always had a fear of jumping with both feet off the ground, was inspired with my box jumping and actually jumped.  The excitement on her face was priceless.

A friend has been making efforts to heal his relationship with his sister.

Another friend, has become noticeably more empathetic to those around him.

Obviously I don't take credit for the choices that these people have all made.  Their decisions to take action, and to make changes, are their own.  But I tend to think there was at least some influence there...just as I have been influenced and inspired by others around me.

Like ripples in a pond, tiny changes within ourselves will impact those around us.  And then those around them.  And so on.  Although we are just tiny individuals in an infinite universe, our reach can be great.

Let's make some ripples and see what happens.  😉

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