Sunday, July 25, 2021

Hoya Carnosa

One of my plant cuttings that I’ve been propagating finally sprouted some growth.  It’s been over three months of no visual change.   Without seeing any evidence of growth, I was sure it was a goner.  But at the same time, the last single leaf left on the cutting was still green!  So even though there was no new growth, it hadn’t died.  Sifu advised me (on more than one occasion) to be patient…these things take time.  And so I continued to care for it diligently, until suddenly…growth!  Something I could see.

Of course, with plants, we know that the initial, most important growth, happens in the soil, where it can’t be seen.  The root system….the foundation the plant will need in order to become strong and to ensure it’s development, and survival, above.  This needs to be established first, before it can promote the further growth of stems, leaves, flowers or fruit. 

As I sat and reflected on this, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of “root system” I need to develop before I will see any of the more obvious growth on the exterior.  It can be hard to stay positive and trust that there are still important things going on without visual evidence.  I need to trust that, as long as I continue to work hard, growth is still happening beneath the surface.  Perhaps not as fast as I’d like…but it’s happening nonetheless.  And one day, like a plant, I’ll just suddenly sprout a new leaf.  🙂

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