Sunday, November 29, 2020

My Kung Fu Advent Calendar

It's funny how a small thought can quickly evolve into something much bigger.

I was putting together a Christmas Advent Calendar today for the kids and thought to myself, 

"What can I put in here for me?"...

...because who doesn't like a fun surprise everyday, right??  I couldn't bring myself to include candy....because I've basically been gorging Halloween candy for the month of November 😬.  So I needed to get more creative.

Of course my thoughts eventually went to kung fu....and how I've really enjoyed these challenges we've been doing....and how I love adding spontaneous things to my regular daily training....

And well, one idea led to another....and I now have a "Kung Fu Advent Calendar" 😂

24 days...24 different challenges...

And call me crazy, but I'm sorta pumped!..........until the "Power of the Instep" day gets pulled....then I may not be that pumped anymore....😆😭

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