Saturday, November 7, 2020

Yellow Belt

I was promoted for the very first time.  I now have my Yellow Belt.

In all honesty, I did not realize I was being tested.  Officially that is.  We are always being tested to some capacity, so to me, this was no different.  I thought I just got lucky in getting to train with Sifu Hayes one-on-one for the class!  Haha.  In hind-sight it should have been obvious but I think I was just too focused on the feedback and information I was getting to read into it too much.

But I'm not going to lie, I was super excited when it happened. It was hard to stay humble and gracious when I sorta wanted to fist pump the air.  Lol.  It's always a great feeling to have your hard work recognized, even if it’s not the main motivation. 

My strategy will remain the same as it's always been.  Train to my maximum ability...not necessarily to the colour of my belt.

Side note:  A strange coincidence is that my very first Kung Fu class was November 4, 2019.  I was promoted to Yellow Belt on November 4, 2020.

1 comment:

  1. You are someone who has excelled during the lockdown. You're on your way.
