Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Now We're Kung-Fu'ing Baby!!

Today I performed an absolutely legit, perfect front thrust kick.  Big deal???  Darn rights it was a big deal!!

Kick after kick after kick...I have never felt this perfect combination of balance, alignment, energy, power and form when doing this kick.  EVER.  I swear I could feel the 6 harmonies in that exact moment.  I had to actually stop, take it in and smile.  It was awesome.

Was it a fluke?  Maybe.  But maybe not.  This is why we train, isn't it?  This is why we do the repetitions.  So that eventually everything we've learned, everything we've practiced finally comes together just right.

And BAM...we're doing Kung Fu.

1 comment:

  1. Those perfect executions happen once every few years but you will never forget them. Savour it.
