Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Break-A-Thon 2020

I had a blast at the Break-A-Thon this year.  I participated last year, but I had literally just started Kung Fu and had no idea what I was doing.  And I recall being told NOT to use my full fist.  At the time I thought this was a general rule for everyone.  This year, I realize that, being so green, they just didn't want to see me break my hand.  Lol.  

Last year I also stuck to palm heel and front thrust kicks.  Basically because it was all I knew.

This year I had several more techniques I was able to choose from.  And although I'm not proficient at most of them, I decided to just go for it.  I tend to do better (with pretty much anything) when I'm just having a good time.  Sifu Vantuil was leading my group, and eventually, after exhausting most of my options, I said, "Well ok...I guess I'll try a Spinning Back Kick...but it won't be pretty!".  Her response was, "It doesn't have to be pretty."  And it was one of those things that someone says to you that just sticks.  So no...it probably wasn't pretty....but I still broke that board.  I can always work on "pretty" later.

My list of breaks from this year,

  1. Palm heel
  2. Thrust punch
  3. Hammer fist
  4. Elbow
  5. Front thrust kick
  6. X-step with back kick
  7. Side heel kick (broke on second attempt)
  8. Roundhouse
  9. Spinning back kick (broke on second attempt....first attempt was quite comical....my distance was way off and all I got was air..Lol....I wish I had gotten a video of this one!)
  10. *and for the life of me I can't remember one of my breaks.  Although  I suppose there is a chance that I only did 9. 😬 I had to take a "First Aid" break to get a bandaid after scraping my hand on the teeth of the board.  I thought I caught back up with the rotation of the group...but maybe not!!  Ssssssshhhhhhh....don't tell Sifu Rybak.  😉

1 comment:

  1. Breaking is all about the physics and confidence. Well done!
