Saturday, July 18, 2020

This Too Shall Pass...

There was a stretch of days recently where I was feeling really "odd" for lack of a better word.  It was like I had somehow become disconnected from everything.  

I seemed to come away from every encounter, conversation, training session, class, whatever...feeling like it didn't go I didn't do I didn't quite get what I needed from everything was just slightly "off".  I felt as though I was asking all the wrong all the wrong answers...doing all the wrong things.  I couldn't quite get the techniques correct.  I felt uncoordinated and off balance.  I felt like the techniques I was able to do a month ago, I could no longer achieve.  I felt like I had finally solved something, but the next day it was back...often worse than before.  It's not like there was anything significant happening in my life...nothing that would have brought me down or caused distraction.  No matter what I did, those feelings remained. 

This was what initially triggered me to reach out about journaling.  I was looking for an outlet to deal with how I was feeling without burdening others.  I'm so glad I did because recording my thoughts day to day turned out to be very beneficial.  Not only was I able to reflect on those feelings while they were happening, but if (when) I experience something like this again, I can look back and see that it didn't last long and was not as big a deal as it felt like at the time.  In fact, looking back on my entries, it was only a few days, even though it felt much longer.  By having a journal, I'll have a great reminder to just push through and keep training, even if I don't want to.  Now that I'm on the other side, feeling balanced again, I'm so glad I didn't lose that time.


  1. I am going to highlight this posting for the I Ho Chuan team to read. I am ecstatic about the insights you are sharing on your journey. Everything you have written here resonates with everyone who has been on a mastery quest. It is not the obstacles that get in the way but rather our response to those obstacles.

    Your advice is exactly what I have been telling my students for years - keep training. Training solves everything.

    1. Thankyou Sifu Brinker. I appreciate that feedback.
