Thursday, July 9, 2020

My Achilles Heel

My Kung Fu Achilles heel is actually, ironically, the Side Heel.  I'm sure this will change as I advance.  But for now...I despise the Side Heel.  Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate makes me frustrated...the main reason being that I'm simply not good at it.

I still practice it.  Probably not as much as I should.  And if I'm honest, probably not as hard as I should either.  Okay fine!!.....I confess.....I've really let it take a back seat to pretty much everything else.  But I'm learning that the things we hate the most, and likely the things we are weakest at, are the ones we should probably make ourselves do more often.  Otherwise you end up still hating it, avoiding it, and terrible at it months later.  

And the Side Heel kick is really important!!  It seems to be the basis for so many other techniques!  So it's something I can no longer avoid.  I need to face this head on....or is it "heel on"?  It will not be pretty at first...likely awkward and uncomfortable to watch so be forewarned....but I know, eventually, I'll have a Side Heel so incredible that anyone opposing me will be so fascinated with it's beauty and paralyzed with awe that they'll be easily defeated!!  But I'm probably getting ahead of myself....

In any event...I've written it on my white board....which makes it official.  And I'm posting this publicly so I'm accountable.  I commit to incorporating it daily into my training.  I will master the Side Heel.

I better get started on those 50,000 reps....each leg...

1 comment:

  1. Your hips will thank you later for taking the time to perfect this kick.
