Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Why Am I Here?

Why did I join? I enrolled Nathan at Silent River in September of 2019. After watching him for a couple of months, I noticed big changes in him. And I thought maybe Kung Fu could be the change for me as well. At that time in my life I was looking for something "bigger". It was as if I had achieved everything that I had wanted...and was at a point where I was just coasting. I wanted more. I wanted purpose and meaning in my life. I wanted to be a part of something important. I wanted to DO something important. Seeing how it changed Nathan, I was hopeful I would find it at Silent River.

Why do I stay? Because I did.

IHC Numbers To Date
Pushups = 5473
Situps = 5236
Fan = 203
Long = 81
Sparring = 44
Km's = 98
AOKs = 99

1 comment:

  1. And happy we are that you stayed! You have been a big inspiration for me at the Kwoon and I know that you have made some big changes in a lot of us, ╰(▔∀▔)╯
