Thursday, March 7, 2024


This blog developed while I was writing the last one about my confidence. I'm not sure what train of thought lead me to this, but I suddenly found myself "ranking" myself in the different areas of our curriculum. Maybe I was looking for something in which my confidence hasn't waned. Maybe it was all fresh in my head from Sifu Rybak's recent article. Either way....this is where my thoughts ended up. What's interesting is that, initially, I very quickly (and confidently...ironic yes) ranked myself (my initial rankings are in brackets below). But then I ended up re-arranging them. Is it my current confidence level that prompted the re-arranging? Or is the re-arrangement actually more accurate? I'm not sure.

  1. Green - Lifestyle and Leadership (4)
  2. White - 6 Harmonies (1)
  3. Orange - Dynamic Control (2)
  4. Blue - Traditional Tenets (2)
  5. Yellow - Vocabulary of Motion (6)
  6. Black - Wuxin - No Mind (5)
  7. Red - Keystone Principles (7)

Again, I'm not sure what the point of me doing this was or if it serves a purpose. I suppose it might be interesting to see if this changes over time. It was just a path that my thoughts took as I try to navigate my confidence level at present.

1 comment:

  1. This serves a purpose if you drill down deeper and quantify and qualify your rankings. Make sure your perception is based upon as much reality as you can muster, not on warm fuzzies. Warm fuzzies wax and wane as our moods shift. Deal with empirical facts, not guesses.
