Thursday, January 4, 2024

Day One

Since making the conscious decision to end my daily blogging requirement, I have found myself without ambition to blog much at all.  I've still been making notes and jotting down ideas, but I'm lacking the interest to put it together in a formal way.  And maybe that's okay for now.

In an effort to still progress with this requirement, I began to transfer my written journals for my Chi work to an electronic platform and have started using an app called Day One.  It's essentially a journaling app.  But what I really like are the simple features that also offer fantastic organization and referencing capabilities.  I can easily enter text, voice, pictures, video or even a sketch.  It also offers a "scan text" function.  Which means I'll be transferring all of my written content over to the app (not just my Chi journals anymore).  I can then tag the entry with things like "chi", "chi healing", "kids class idea", "blog idea", "Kwan Dao thoughts", "published blog", "motivation", "one-on-one", etc, etc.  And with a click of a button, I can sort and filter as needed, seeing every entry pertaining to any given topic.

On top of all that, I can also set the app to remind me to blog (whether that be daily, weekly or just on certain days), have the app suggest a topic if needed and even talk to text using my smart watch!!  I've used this several times now to get something down even before I hit the changeroom.

Just because it never made it to a written, published blog, doesn't mean it's not important to my journey.  But if I can't reference it easily in the future, what's the point of even writing it down in the first place?

IHC Numbers To Date

Pushups = 32632
Situps = 32720
Kwan Dao = 720
Tai Chi Short = 758
Sparring = 672
Km's = 1408
AOKs = 929

1 comment:

  1. Day One has been my go to app forever. Everything I write originates on Day One. Good pick!
