Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Becoming Better

I really want to be a better teacher.

One of the hardest parts about teaching, for me, is understanding the questions posed, and being able to formulate an accurate and helpful answer right in that moment.

Oftentimes I will come home wishing I had done better in various teaching moments.  Questioning myself and analyzing the interaction to see where I failed and how I could have done better.

I wish I had answered that better.  I should have said [this], not [that].

Did I even understand the question?

Am I confident my answer made sense to the student?

Was my answer even correct?  Thinking about it now, I don't even think I know the right answer.

And these are usually followed by,

I feel like a fraud.

I don't think I'm qualified to be teaching these kids.

And then the anxiety comes and I really start to question my own understanding of everything.

But the way I see it, there are two options.

1. Let myself me pulled into the abyss of "I suck".


2. Use these opportunities to actually become a better teacher.

If I feel I should have answered something differently, I need to figure out how I could have been more clear and be ready for it the next time.  If I don't feel like I understood the question, perhaps I need to work on my listening.  Or maybe a good strategy would be to invite other instructors present to offer their interpretations as well.  There's a good chance we are all hearing the same question a little differently.  And if I think I might not have answered it correctly, and am questioning my own understanding of the subject, this is probably an excellent opportunity to reach out to my own instructors and work on my own training.  Solidify my own understanding so that I'm more confident.

Every time a student asks a question, I have an opportunity to learn.  And ultimately that will make me a better teacher.

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